Chapter 11:A Night Full Of Nightmares

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Austin's Nightmare- I open my eyes and immediately I'm met with total darkness. My arms are at my sides. I lift up my left arm and push it up. My hand stops at what I think is the ceiling or the top of this thing. I kick my foot and I'm met with something solid. No. no, no, no. I'm in a box. A large human made box. I feel the sides. There's no crack anywhere. I start kicking. My chest is starting to feel tight. Its the same as when I was seven. Except the box I'm in is metal and I'm 15. And Alex isn't here. Desperate to get out, I start kicking the box. Then I start to bang the sides. I can feel my tears stream down my face and into my mouth. I start to sob. Loudly. Then I start to scream Alex's name over and over. I'm met with nothing but silence each time. I can't take it anymore. Being unconscious would be better. Placing my hands on each side of the box, I start to bang my head against the ceiling of it. Bang! Bang! Bang! Alex's Nightmare - I peel my eyelids open. I see that above me is a very bright light. I see that I'm on a metal table and that restraints are on both of my ankles and wrists. One is even holding my forehead in place. I hear the sound of a machine starting up. I direct my eyes above me and to my absolute horror see q giant needle is above me. And its moving towards me. I start screaming,  " Ahhhhhhhh!!!! No! No! Stop!. You can't do this. Austin! You promised! You said this wouldn't happen again!!". I start to pull against the restraints. Clink. My left arm comes free. I start to work on my right arm. I hear a whirring sound and look up. The needle is moving towards me. I start to pull at it. Its not budging. Suddenly I feel a hot searing pain in my right arm. I look up and see that the needle is in my shoulder. I scream," Get It Out! Get it out, Get it out!. Help!!. I. Want. It. Out!!!!!!!!!!!". Mark's Nightmare- I wake up. I look around and see that I'm on the floor in a zoo. The cages are all empty. I feel a draft on my feet. My feet?. I look down and see that both of my feet are completely bare. No shoes, no socks. I see something else that my heart almost stop completely. A black cobra is wrapped around my left foot. I don't move. I don't even dare breath. I stare at him. He stares at me, yellow eyes unblinking. He hisses. Loud and with his snake tongue sticking out. Then he bites down hard on my big toe. Jonathan's Nightmare- I'm walking down the sidewalk when I hear it. Wings. Flapping. I know what it is even before I have to look up. Crows. I start to run. I risk a glance behind me. Its a whole entire flock. I'm so busy looking behind me that I trip and fall to the ground. They advance on me. Their sharp, pointy, deadly beaks are poking me everywhere. I can feel teem break through my skin. I hear a crack! and see that one of the birds has a bone in his beak. I don't want to think about which part of my body that came from.  Blood is pouring from my arms. I'm screaming. Tears are mixing in with my blood. One of the crows is perched on my chest head bent down. We stare at each other. He pokes my eyes out. Opal's Nightmare- I wake up. I look down and see that I'm tied up sitting in a chair and what's holding me to it are...balloons?. I hear a loud honk! beside me. I look. Its a clown. I'm so scared that my body has shut down completely. The clown moves behind me. I hear a squeak. And suddenly, I can't breath. I can't believe it. I'm getting to choked by a balloon. My headstone will read "Death By A Clown". Esma's nightmare- Leaves crunch underneath my feet as I run. My lungs hurt from running so fast. I can hear the laughter behind me. Somehow I managed to run into a maze. I trip on a root and go down. The air knocked out of me. I turn around on my back. The clown is there with a big kitchen knife in its hand. I scoot back and end up trapped sitting against a hedge. I decide that if this is how I'm gonna go down. I'm gonna go down fearless. I lift my head up and look the bastard in the eye as the knife comes down. Dylan's Nightmare - Leaves, branches, and twigs crunch underneath my bare feet as I run. They killed everyone. Ripped them to shreds. Clothing torn to pieces. Skin stuck in their wolf like teeth. I tore off my shoes to keep from getting caught. I can hear their paws thumping loudly behind me. I turn around to see how many there are. One minute I'm running on grass, the next I'm in the air. I'm floating there for one measly second. The next I'm falling. The only thing good about this is that I'm finally away from those demons. I look down.....and scream my lungs out. Right below me are a hundred black dogs with red eyes. Mouths open and teeth sharp for eating. Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!. Eval's Nightmare-  I open my eyes. I'm in my apartment. Its on fire. I look in front of me. Instead of my sister, ifs the last person I ever expected to see. Dylan. She's completely on fire. Her face, arms and legs are black. Underneath where she's standing is a pile of ashes. She looks at me and says, " why didn't you save me Eval? You saved your sister! Am I not important enough!?". With each shout the flames get bigger. Its getting hard to breath. Covering my mouth with my shirt, I shout, "you weren't even there!". She shouts back, " even if I was. You still wouldn't have saved me! You should be punished". She snaps her fingers. I hear a whoosh! And crackling. I feel hot, so, so hot. I look down. My clothes are on fire. I'm on fire. I scream and throw myself down on the carpet. It isn't gonna do anything since its also on fire. But I don't care. I can feel my skin disintegrating. Turning to nothing but black ash. All the while, Dylan is laughing. I open my mouth and scream, " it burns! it burns! it burns".

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