Chapter 10:Getting to know each other

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Alex's P.O.V.
OK. Austin and I are 15 and our birthday is March 16, 2001. My worst fear is needles. When Austin and I were seven years old, our mom took us to a doctor. I went in first to get it over with. The doctor was halfway done with my checkup and he just had to give me the shot. He cleaned my shoulder, got the needle and gave me the shot. Every thing was fine....until he couldn't pull the needle out of my arm. I. Freaked. The. Fuck. Out. I started screaming, "get it out! get it out!". I had somehow backed myself into a corner of the room. I screamed Austin's name. Tears were streaming down my face. Austin came into the room and calmed me down. They got the needle out of my arm and nothing was damaged inside of it. Ever since then I've been afraid of needles. Including the ones the dentists use for that shot in your mouth. That one completely scares me. K Austin your turn". I watch as my sister clears her throat and says," my fear is being Buried Alive. After Austin developed her fear, our family went to the beach. Our Dad and Aunt were unloading the rest of the stuff out of the car. Alex had decided to bury me in the sand because she heard from school that that's what you do when you go to the beach. So I laid down on my back on the sand and let Alex cover my body with sand. Except my head so that I could breath. Then she left to go get Dad so that he could take a picture. After she left a couple of boys came buy and decided to cover my face. I tried to scream for Alex but there was so much sand in my mouth that I couldn't. They finished covering my face and left. It was like being in a coffin. I was so scared. I was seven years old. Tears were streaming down my face. I screamed Alex's name. My throat was so raw from screaming. It was so dark. A couple minutes later I heard Alex's and my Dad's voice. She kept on trying to calm me down but it didn't work. Finally Alex, Dad, and my aunt got me out. Ever since then I've had this fear of being buried alive. I'm not claustrophobic or anything, I just have a fear of dark small spaces with no windows or doors in them. K Mark, how about you go next?". Mark clears his throat and says," Alright. Jonathan and I are 14 and our birthday is October 17,2001. My fear is snakes. When I was 10, our 4th grade class took a field trip to a zoo habitat. The snake exhibit was the last one. They let us touch the snakes. This lady put one on my arm and it climbed up my arm and stopped at my shoulder. I didn't move. I didn't even breath loud. Then the snake turned its head and looked at me. I swear I almost peed my pants. I had just let out a breath of relief when the snake bit my neck. They got it off of me. I've been afraid of snakes since. Jonathan, your turn''. Jonathan glares at his brother before speaking, " my fear is crows. A boy in my fifth grade class told me that if you hear a crow, you know, crow. That it means that someone's died. I didn't believe it. On the walk home I had heard a crow, crow. I didn't think anything of it. That was until the next morning I woke up to paramedics and an ambulance crew at my next door neighbors house. I had asked my mom what had happened. She told me that the lady next door had died in her sleep. Ever since that day, I've been afraid of crows. Esma, why don't you go next?". Esma nods her head and says,"I'm 16 years old and my birthday is July 15, 2003. Anyway, my fear is killer clowns. When I was 12 I was surfing YouTube for horror movies and I saw this movie called "Clownhouse". I clicked it and watched it. I thought it was going to be about a circus and clowns doing tricks. I was so wrong. I don't know why I kept watching it I just did. When the movie was over,  I was convinced that escaped convicts were going to break into my house and kill me. That movie officially freaked me out. Opal, how about you?". Opal clears his throat and says, " My birthday is May 10, 2002 and believe it or not I'm ten". Mark cuts in and says," we believe it". Opal sticks his tongue out and says, "my fear is a little like Esma's. I don't like regular clowns. When I was 6 my mom had hired a clown for my birthday party entertainment. And I, I don't know. I guess there was something creepy about them having a painted face over their real one that was creepy, still is in fact. Eval, how about you?". Eval lets out a breath and says,"ok. My birthday is April 5, 2001 and I'm 15. About five years ago, my mom had left me in charge of taking care of my five year old sister. About an hour after my mom had left. My little sister Emmie, had decided to play tag. Everything was going fine until Emmie knocker over a lamp and the curtains got caught on fire. It was all smoky and hot. I opened a window, picked my sister up and ran down the firescape and into the alley. By the time I got down into the alley the firefighters had arrived and were putting out the fire. The apartment was ok. Emmie and I were ok. I've been afraid of fire ever since. Even small ones from a lighter". We all look around at each other. We've all said our fears except Dylan. "Dogs". A small breathy whisper fills the air and we all turn and look at Dylan. She closes her eyes for a second then opens them again and says, " I'm afraid of big possessed dogs with red eyes. When I was ni, nine, I was walk, walking home from school when I heard this loud bark behind me. I turned and it was a pitbull. I ran. It, it ran after me. While I was running my backpack got caug-, caught on a picket fence. I was stuck. The dog had, had caught up with me. And bi-, bit my ankle. The o- owner came and got the dog and I went to the doctor. I have a scar on my left ankle where- where it bit me. Achoo! Achoo! *cough, cough*". I look at Dylan and see that her nose is red and her eyes look droopy. She needs rest. I say, "lets get some rest and tomorrow we can look for medicine and blankets". The rest of them nod. We lay down and go to sleep.

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