Fake brother

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Lunch could not come sooner and when it finally did I had to find someone. My sister! Zooming through the student body that seemed to take their sweet time heading to the cafeteria. Come on people, lunch is only so long move it. "Coming through." I speak up as I brushed past a group of cheerleaders. And just my luck I knock a blonde's pompom out of her hand. Why am I suddenly such a gluts. "Hey watch it!" I skid to a halt and backtracked then swooped up her pompom and holding it out to her. "Here you go princess." I raised an expected brow at her. "Thanks!" She snapped sarcastically. She scowled at me before snatching it back with a pissed of growl. What the ... Did she just. I shook my head and glared at her prissy face. Then her eyes seemed to widen at something behind me and she grinned and for the life of me it seemed genuine. "Oh hey Rogan do you want to sit with us for lunch?" Wasn't his name Roman, maybe it's just their nickname for him. His fanclub was totally ignoring me at the moment all of them staring at Roman or Rogan like he was a god which he kinda was but I shook my head again at my last thoughts. I always noticed if a guy was hot like anyone that was not blind but since I've arrived in this town I can't seem to stop raking up guys like Roman with my eyes. It seemed that they were just too irresistible. So it looks like I have to stay clear of these guys. Turning around too quickly I smacked right into Roman's warm hard chest who barely moved. I instinctively clutched his shirt. Don't know why but I did it and felt my cheeks turn pink as I felt his hand on my back steadying me just in case. The guy hardy moved so yeah I like had to grab onto him. "Omf he he, sorry I glanced up at his face feeling really stupid but all rational thought alluded me yet again. Even the dull ache of my nose seemed numb for the moment. "Its fine, Ethan right?" He grinned blinding me with his brilliant smile. I stared at him for a moment like an idiot before replying. "Jip that's me hehe." How original. I mentally face palmed myself. But now he only grinned at me making me feel funny. He finally looks over at the cheerleaders and they seemed to get the unspoken message to get lost. Much to the blonde girl's disappointment who was the only one still reluctant to leave but did so eventually and as she passed by me and Roman she threw me a nasty look over his shoulder. Queen Bitch I assume....And to think I usually found her type attractive... Roman had spoken up again with his deep smooth baritone voice but I completely missed the first words only catching the last part. ...So is that a yes?" Not wanting him to repeat himself I replied with the positive response he clearly expected. "Sure lets go!"

His strides were long and purposeful but I could tell he was matching my pace to keep close. Now I noticed he was wearing a blue shirt instead of the black one he had on in class this morning. He must've changed it or something some guys had extra clothes in their locker for emergencies. It was strange how comfortable I suddenly felt with him since this morning. I remember him basically glaring down at me but as I looked at him side ways now he was like a completely different guy. As if he could feel me stare he turned his head making me glance away finding the ceiling suddenly interesting. Soon I could smell food and I knew the cafeteria was just around the corner. Oh so he wanted to go get lunch. "Man I sure am hungry now that I think about it." I licked my lips while closing my eyes taking in the aroma in the air. The school must have a five star chef or something and I would know what fine food smelled like. When I opened my eyes Roman was staring at me. Was it my imagination or was his eyes darker? But as quickly as it came it was gone making me blink up at him confused. "We should probably head inside before the food's gone." He says waving his hand in front of my unblinking eyes, his glinting with amusement.

The first thing I noticed was that the cafeteria was mostly empty with only a handful of students sitting around eating and talking amongst themselves. "Where are all the other students?" I wondered aloud. "Outside." Roman tilted his head towards the open double doors I only noticed now as if it was obvious. I laughed then signed. "We should check out the schools courtyard maybe then you will understand why everyone prefers to eat outside." He adds humouring me with his statement. Nodding and grinning sheepishly I appreciated him making me feel less like an idiot. "You can lead the way after we get our lunch." He patted my back at my answer and pulled me into his side. It felt awesome being so close to him and I found myself inhaling his scent which was a nice fresh forest with hint of mint and something els. Must be some cool Cologne. "Jeez now I'm kinda glad because I made quite an entrance this morning in class." Roman put his arm around me as he guided me towards the lunch line that was surprisingly short. "Oh don't worry about that, in fact you made quite an impression." Shaking my head I poked his chest with my finger. "Not funny." I glared but he only ruffled my hair and chuckled deeply making his big shoulders shake with contained laughter. I felt eyes on me so I turned my head in the direction I felt them and gasped when I saw the devilishly handsome face of this morning glare at me from across the room. I took a step away from under Roman's arm having feeling to do so. He looks away from the lunch lady. He frowned at my white sheet face then follows my line of vision spotting him too, he grunts then walks up behind me and whispers into my ear. "Looks like I'm busted, that's my twin brother Roman." I turned around so fast I was surprised I was not whiplashed. But seeing my shocked face only seemed to amuse him. "By the way I'm Rogan the charming brother unlike Mr grumpy over there." He finished with a teasing tone. Roman?
... and now Rogan ?

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