Boys suite up.

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I've changed my hair fifteen times and was about to start again when there was a knock on my bedroom door.
I dropped the jar of gel in my hands making the person on the other side of the door chuckle.

I opened the door revealing a smirking Rogan. "Why so nervous?"
He asks slipping into my room. He was wearing a navy blue jacket with black jeans,and vans. I couldn't help but check him the clothes seemed to accentuate every line and bulge of Rogan's amazing body.
Just like his brother's...
My subconscious added making me shake my head at my train of thought.

"Well, I am meeting your parents. A little thing you forgot to mention."
Rogan faced me stalking closer.
"My dad's intense most hu...some people find him intimidating." He breathed now very close to my lips.
"So is my dad."
I quipped rolling my eyes.
"Oh really?" Rogan questions sounding amused.
"Jip." I popped the P licking my lips a action not missed by Rogan.
"My Family is pretty well respected so be nice to us."
I grinned.
Rogan dramatically had his hand on his chest. " I promise to be nice to Charlie!"
I laughed dragging him out of my room I didn't wanna be late.

"Roman won by one point."
The blonde hair boy argued.
"A win is a win dude now give me my five bucks."
Charlie fanned herself with a hand full of bills in the kitchen.
Hearing her brother and the hot jerk she quickly stashed the cash.
They were laughing their way down she almost thought they would just pass the kitchen when Ethan backtracked, Rogan in tow.
"Hey Charlie we're heading to Rogan's okay I'll try not to be late."
Charlie nods all too happily.
"Hey who's he?"
The blonde boy placed down his soda to reply.
"Hey man I'm Chase."
Charlie clapped her hands suddenly linking her arms with Chase.
"Well its movie time for us, You guys have fun."
She said excitedly.
"We won't be the only ones"
Rogan winks down at me making me scowl at Charlie and this Chase guy climbing the stairs.
"Charlie I hope its just a movie."
Her reply came quick and sweet
"Of course brother, see you later."

The drive was mostly silent with me imagining all kinds of fortifications between my sister and this Chase guy.
"Hey she'll be fine."
My head snapped to Rogan who's eyes were on the road and soft smile on his handsome face.
"I know." I signed
" I hope she doesn't lose anything... "
Rogan laughed making me join in.
That was the thing I liked about Rogan he always made me feel comfortable no matter what.

The house was huge even in our standards, almost like a five star hotel.
"Wow how many people live here, this is far out."
Rogan shrugged.
"A few close family members."
He winks before leading me inside through all the parked cars.

I whistled once we entered. If the outside was anything to go by the inside was too much.
"My mother likes to show off on these ceremonies."
Rogan says proudly.
"Glad my hard work it to your liking Mr Crane."
A feminine voice says behind us.
Two people stood in the arch to our right. A man easily 6ft with black hair and silver eyes that captured once attention and demanded it. Beside him a woman quite a bit shorter but alluring confident in her own right. She smiled knowingly at us. Her brown locks were pinned up while a few loose strands hang beside her head accentuating her ruby red earrings. "My mom and dad. Mr and Misses Decker."
Rogan linked our hands together the action making his father's narrow slightly. He held out his hand for me to shake.
"No need to be so formal son. You can call my Beau, and this beautiful woman beside me Bélla. He said shaking my hand. I could almost feel the power this guy radiated. Rogan was right his father was intimidating.

" Nice to meet u Sir, I mean Beau."
I answered evenly. My heart felt like it was beating in my ears. Almost like feeling my nervousness Rogan placed his hand at the small of my back calming me somewhat.

"You head on inside dear, your siblings and friends are waiting."
Bélle spoke leaning against Beau with nothing but love in her eyes.
They were clearly as in love with each other as the first day they met.
Rogan pulled me away with the biggest smile.
"They like you."
He boast's like its the ultimate achievement.
"Their very nice."
I agree smiling myself.
We entered what looked like the main hall and everyone was there mingling, music playing people talking and dancing.

"Ethan what a nice surprise!"
Cassie grabbed me in a hug.
"Cass I can't breath."
I said tapping her back.
"Sorry, sometimes I forget my own strength.
I waved my hand. " its okay I'm fine."
She paused looking down at Rogan's hand on my waist before glancing around nervously.
I was about to ask what's wrong but Cassie excused herself.
Rogan introduced me to three guys I know from school. They were usually in the group he hang out with.
There was Nate who was blonde the classic American jock look with blue eyes. Jake was a little stockier and shorter but still taller then me. And lastly Jiren that looked really exotic with his green eyes and golden tan.
They were genuinely nice guys and I got the feeling they all got Rogan's back.

"This is ceremony thing, what's it about ?" I ask looking around. My eyes were searching for another male that looked like Rogan but he was no where to be seen.
"A achievement of sorts for me and my brother."
Rogan whispers into my ear.
"Wanna dance?" he asks pulling me towards the bodies swaying on the dance floor. I nodded feeling my spin tingle. Rogan was openly touching me, pulling me flush against him his hips grinding into me. He turned me around gazing into my eyes with pure hunger. Then he suddenly stiffened glaring over my shoulder. I wanted to turn around but he had his arms around me barricading me.
"What's wrong?" I questioned but Rogan was already pulling me away.
"Let's go Ethan."
When we entered the foyer away from everyone I broke away from Rogan.
"What the hell is going on?"
And my answer walked in looking more threatening then I've ever seen him glaring daggers at his brother.

Roman was suddenly before me, blocking me from his brother both seemed to grow before my eyes. Or it could just be their stances of posturing to each other. I felt the muscles in Rogan's arm ripple as he held me back.

"Get away from him Ethan." Roman said through clenched teeth glaring at his brother. And some part of me wanted to listen to him but I didn't move because if I did they we're going to fight and I didn't want them too.

"Don't listen to him," Rogan gripped my waist pulling me flush against him. Roman made what sounded like a deep growl in his chest making his whole body tremble from suppressed anger.
"Do as I say Ethan," Roman ordered without taking his eyes of his brother. Again I felt the need to obey but Rogan hold was like steel even if I wanted to.

"You can't order him around," Rogan hissed , "his not one of us. He doesn't have to listen to you."
What did he mean, was it because I wasn't from their town? I was confused and freaked out. Both the brothers eyes were now darker almost obsidian. The grey completely gone.

"Ethan," Roman glanced at me and something in them wanted me to calm him down. His voice was much deeper now.

Rogan suddenly laughed but it sounded bitter not genuine like the care free guy I knew. "Its not like his your mate Roman he won't listen to you." His voice had changed too. Something flashed in Romans eyes his knuckles were white. The tension in the room tripled.

"His not your mate." The different Rogan said huskily smelling me.

"Stop that that." Roman snapped stalking closer.

"Both of you stop." I shouted taking the chance to get free from Rogan. I was surprised they even listened this time.

"Okay," I signed, "I'm not going to ask for an explanation because I'm not entirely sure I want one. Just stop arguing. Please."

Both brothers took deep breathes and exchanged an unidentifiable look. It was like they had an unspoken exchange. Both gazed fell on me both their original grey.

"Care to explain?" Roman asked his voice normal again.

"We we're going to wait till later tonight to tell people," Rogan said calmly taking my hand.

"Tell people what?" Roman's jaw locked looking at our hands.

Rogan's eyes flit to me before locking with his brothers.
"That Ethan and I are a couple."

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