Good Cop, Bad Cop.

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The staring was intense but just as suddenly as it happened it stopped. Because just after a group of football players made their way past us yelling about some game and finally passed by he was gone. It was like I imagined it all and he wasn't even there. Rogan cleared his throat beside me making me look up into his smirking face. "So now that, that's over, let me show you around outside. Time is ticking." He taps his wrist watch that looked rather expensive. "Yeah sure lets go." I agreed meekly but my eyes was still searching for the glaring hunk named Roman.

The school courtyard was really beautiful with trees, green grass and modern paths and wooded benches with tables that blended in with the botanicals. No wonder everyone ate outside lots of fresh air and enough space to walk off the extra calories. "Man this place is awesome Rogan. I went to a lot of different schools but none with a courtyard like this." He shrugged but I saw the corner of his lip curl up into a smile. Then I saw familiar blonde highlights over his shoulder heading our way. "Hey sis, over here!" I called out making Rogan turn her way.

"You!" Both my sister and Rogan said in unison making me blink in confusion. "Did I miss something..." I trailed of looking between them as they glared at each other. "You ruined my jacket you know." Rogan just about growled. "Serves you right." My sister fires back but before they could could continue arguing I cut them of. "Hey Charlie do you guys know each other. Charlie snorted very unladylike as an answer. "We have class together." Rogan spoke up monotonously as he took out his phone and turning back to me almost like his dismissing Charlie altogether. "What did she do?" I leaned back gazing at Rogan who raised an eye brow stopping his tapping on his iPhone. I knew my sister and she was a walking disaster or jinxed like I believed dropping and spilling things on people constantly. How she was even popular was a mystery. Or maybe it was her good looks that won people over I had no idea. Rogan seemed to understand my question maybe he had a annoying sibling too. "She spilled paint on my jacket in Art class." He gestured at his shirt that had small spats of red paint on it. He crossed his arms over his chest making the fabric stretch taunt over his very defined torso. "Oh." Was my only reply as I took a gulp of my soft drink. "It was an accident!" Charlie screeched out getting the attention of a few students but when they noticed who it was shrugged while a few pointed and whispered among themselves. But a look from Rogan had them go about their business. "Knowing you Charlie it was unavoidable right?" She nodded dully while she gave Rogan a once over trying to be subtle but failing miserably. "Its creepy to stare you know." Rogan mused without taking his eyes of his phone that he was again tapping on frantically. She actually blushed a bright shade of pink before huffing. She decided to came around to take a seat beside me. "Jerk." She mutters but I think Rogan heard her as he replied. "Not with you around." My sister's jaw almost dropped on the table making me release a small chuckle. But she quickly recovered slapping the back of my head making me duck because she always does it twice to make sure she didn't miss. "Hey it was kinda funny." I her hugged her to my side as I bumped fist with Rogan. "You just made my day bro, Charlie over here is not easily tongue tide." She squirmed out of my hold, not that I had her in a tight one but she glared at me before stealing some of my fries. She tried to swipe Rogan's apple but only managed to grab air as he grabbed it in a blink, he smirked at her biting into it with a crunch. Charlie pouted as we laughed at her failed attempt. I felt eyes on me in the vicinity of the fountain but when I glanced that way there was only a few cheerleaders standing by it immersed in their own conversation with giggles and excited voices.

Finally the day was almost over I was in my last class that I've managed to find on my own. Barry made the whole rooster and school layout easy for me showing me the easiest routes around classes. When I asked him to joint me and Rogan at our table the next day he seemed really excited and blushed as he thanked me then ran away like a bat out of hell. Strange guy but then again the school itself was strange. The bell finally rang making me shoot up ready to go. "OK people, your excused. No homework today." Most students made a noise of approval to that. When I reached the door the teacher called me back Mr. Larson I think. He looked at me hard before producing a card. I blinked once or twice before taking it to study it closely. There was a sun LOGO on it with the name Sun Teens printed in bold orange, and a contact number on the back. "Is this some sort of modeling agency?" I asked absent mindedly. Mr Larson gave me a droll stare as if to say, seriously. "Yes Sherlock" He replied in a monotone. I left his classroom in a daze after that thinking is one of my teachers a model scout?

Charlie was waiting for me in the parking lot with another girl that I didn't know. "Hey Ethan finally we've been waiting like forever. This is Mindy my brother don't let the the good looks fool yah his a loser." Another thing about my sister was her small amount of patients. Shaking my head at her I waved at Mindy that sent me a smile and headed to my bike. "Oh by the way dad wants you home ASAP loser." She called after me signing I turned on my phone sending my dad a text. What'S thE emergency dad? His reply was way too quick. Just get your ass home Ethan! Signing I started up my bike passing Charlie in her mini cooper that was currently heading in the opposite direction I was. Great I'm forced to go home while she gets to drive around with her new friend.

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