New in town.

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My Suzuki CSX 600 is flying down the main road of this new town we just moved to making a few heads turn. Probably the only exciting thing these old time folks seen all day. Revving her up full throttle I enjoyed the looks of envy. I'm a total show off sue me. I was so into the rush of adrenaline that speed gave me I didn't see or hear the cop car behind blaring its sirens and the voice from the speakers telling me to pull over. Trouble my very close friend. I smirked glancing back. After pulling over and propping up my bike I leaned casually against it waiting for the officer to reach me. His strides were long and purposeful so I'm definitely in for a good lecture and maybe a ticket for speeding but I had to chuckle at the latter yeah right. I'm Ethan Crane money is no problem. You see my parents are not just rich but filth fully so with lots of dirty money if know what I mean. So I had no respect for it and blew it as far as I could not giving a dam. My parents loved me and sister but loved money and power equally or even more than us. We learned to not judge their lifestyle because that's how we got to live such comfortable lives and nobody gave us shit which is a plus all the way. Which is awesome by the way but can be totally boring sometimes. So my sister and me made a deal with my parents, if we could move at least once a year we would finish our studies make something of ourselves. Yeah big surprise there, you see we were excluded from the family business till we finished college. And only received monthly allowances of about 500 grand each, sweet I know. So back to Mr Officer trying to be the most intimidating piece of law enforcement with his legs wide apart and arms, very impressive arms crossed now that I noticed not that I'm into guys or anything. I was only admiring another male form no sin in that. "Do you know how fast you we're going?" He asked staring me down behind his aviators and somehow I know his eyes are steel blue cutting through me making me slightly nervous. What the fuck? But instead of showing any signs of being uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze I smirked before replying smoothly. "Nope no idea the wind in my hair was just so awesome so I just pushed my baby harder." I smiled sweetly up at him. He didn't say anything at first but I could imagine him glaring at me for my smartass remark. But his face was emotionless his lips drawn in a straight line the only sign of his contempt with me. "Well in that case..." He grin's revealing perfect white teeth a action that would've been charming if weren't for the circumstances. And a blink of eye I was grabbed, span around and handcuffed. I was so stunned the pain on my wrists only registered after. He pulled me flush against him whispering in ear. "Your taking a ride with me down to the station punk." I couldn't help the tremor running down my back and the small gasp that came out. My arms were tingling where he touched me. Was it my imagination or was his voice kind of husky at the end. I felt his hard muscles press against my back. Dam why did I piss of this guy again? Not that I'm afraid of cops or anything just never met one like this hunk before. What the fuck again? I'm not gay! It's just his nice big body that's it. His pressed up against me so it's a totally natural reaction. Man I'm hot or is it this guy breathing on me no wait did he just smell me. His breathing was deep like mine his grip on me was hard but had loosened somewhat like he suddenly realized he was hurting me. He released me as if burned. Stepping back he made a deep growling sound but it stopped as suddenly as it began. I was still shocked about the whole thing. He pulled of his sunglasses revealing sharp blue eyes making my eyes widen slightly. I was right! He stepped to me again but avoided eye contact. "Turn around kid." Any other time and I would have rebuked at him calling me a kid but my brain was just zoning out. My wrists being released felt good so l rubbed them a little. I could feel his gaze on me as he was still standing close. "Look I'm sorry OK and..." He cut me of with a hand sign. I was looking down again because I felt really stupid now when he spoke up again. "Stay out of trouble kid you hear." His voice was different now still that deep baritone but more controlled. But I didn't miss the command in his tone. And just like that he turned on his heal, climbed into his squad car and drove away. It was only after he was gone that I seemed to snap out of whatever spell I was under. Man I almost got arrested, but why do I feel disappointed that I didn't.

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