Cliché, first appearance

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I was contemplating on knocking because I suddenly felt really nervous. And like a trigger I suddenly released a short but relatively loud laugh, making me slap a hand over my mouth to muffle the noise before the teacher came to investigate. Looking sheepishly up and down the hall I took a deep breath before grasping the door only to realise it was locked. What the hell? And being the curious fella that I was I leaned in close to listen if there might be people in there and I'm not standing outside of a empty class room which didn't really make any sense but here goes nothing. Not hearing anything I placed myself flat against the door surface to listen better and that's when it opened without warning letting me basically tumble with a sum a sold right into class landing flat on my back. Can I just disappear into thin air! The embarrassment was just to soon. Things like this really doesn't happen to me Ethan freakin Crane. I knew all eyes were focused on me at the moment after my grand entrance. There were a few snickers but I was waiting for the laughter that would surely follow. But none came, so I slowly got up on my knees and noticed a pair of black Vans and black jean covered legs in front of me. Great looking legs, must be a jock... I thought but all my brain functions stopped as I locked eyes with steel blue eyes. Wow this guy is Hot!.... Whaaat? I seemed to snap out of it as someone cleared their throat. "Honey are you okay?" A feminine voice asked to my right making me snap my eyes away from the guy I've been basically eye raping. I noticed the concerned face of a woman that could only be our teacher. She was middle aged wearing the stereotypical black rimmed glasses, hair in a ban with white blouse and pencil skirt with black heels finishing of her teacher look.

"I am Miss Parks and this is Al... I mean Roman he was just heading out." I blinked up at her then focused on the guy again who's name I now knew was Roman. But the guy was basically glaring at me so I quickly looked away. "Here, let's get you up." I blinked up at the hand offered to me. His voice was low and deep and very pleasant. Roman was not glaring anymore but he looked confused then amazed as he looked into my eyes. Our hands were still locked with pleasant electrical currents making me feel tingly all over. When he noticed he let go. "Thank you." I said very aware of the whole class watching us like the school play.

He brushed passed me giving me a nod. His Cologne hit me again and man he smelled nice. The door closed and I was still thinking about his wonderful smell. Miss Parks called my name again making me face her instead of the door Roman left through. "If your sure your okay Ethan then you may take a seat." She winked at me and I nodded appreciating it. I really didn't want to do the introduction thing. Thanks Miss Parks, mind If I take a window seat?" I asked as I was looking around spotting seat in front of a girl with brown braids. I quickly went for it as I vaguely heard Miss Parks say it was fine. I didn't make any eye contact with anyone but I could tell by the unoccupied seats the class was not full or had split up for subjects like they do when the school was under staff. Looking out in to the courtyard of the school I released a slow breath this ended better than I hoped. I have yet to hear a single laugh and that made me sit up straighter in my seat. Feeling a tap on my shoulder I turned around to the grinning face of a brunette girl. "Hey, quite an entrance there I'm Sarah by the way." She held out her hand at me. Smiling sheepishly I shook it. "Yeah it was I guess, thank you for not laughing though." She shrugged like it was no big deal and couldn't help but like her instantly. "You'll probably hear a few during break though." We both laughed at that. I for one just glad about the fact that I can laugh about it with someone.

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