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They've been gone awhile. Or it could just be a few minutes in reality even if it felt like an eternity. "Hi, you must be Ethan right?" A very beautiful dark haired girl spoke up giving me a genuine smile. "Yeah that's me." I reply giving her a warm smile of my own. As I took in her features I realised who she must be but before I could ask she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you I'm Cassie, Roman and Rogan's younger sister." She held out her hand for me to shake. And I was still awed at how beautiful she was and this without make up. Good genes definitely ran in the family it seemed. I glanced at the backdoor and she followed my line of sight giving me a sympathetic look. "They'll probably be another minute. So let me serve you yours. The meat is amazing one bite and you'll forget about those two trust me." I was so preoccupied with my thoughts I didn't even notice the food she put down in front of me. I laughed at her words because I suddenly didn't feel like eating anymore. The nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach only seemed worse. But then the back door opened and I felt relieved instantly. Roman entered first almost immediately meting my eyes and I found myself holding his gaze which surprise us both. But the look he was giving me was different somehow, he stopped mid step and it looked like he wanted to come over but decided against it and walked down the hall instead. I ignored the pang of disappointment I felt when Rogan entered looking really annoyed. He glanced after his bother while shaking his head them walked towards me and Cassie. He immediately gave me an apologetic smile when he caught my stare. "Hey, sorry about that." He says standing in front of us. "I see you've met our sister Cassie." He says almost scoldingly but the former only slipped her arms around Rogan's waist affectionately. They are so adorable wish me and Charlie was like that. "Yeah I couldn't resist Roo, you guys rarely go on dates you know." She winks knowingly making Rogan laugh awkwardly before waving off what she said. " Hahaha, very funny now don't you have other customers to serve Cass?" Cassie only giggled giving him one last squeeze before skipping away. " See you Ethan." She calls over her shoulder while Rogan took a seat.

The food looked and smelled great but I had something to ask before taking one bite. "What was that about." I asked pointing at the back door. Rogan looked irritated but I knew it wasn't because of me. "Family drama but you can relax its nothing you need to worry about thou, okay," He gave me a reassuring smile. Then gestured at our meals. "Now dig in I wanna see your face when you take that first bite." Taking his word for it I made a show of picking up my fork and stabbing it into one of the chunks of meat in this wonderfully brown sauce. I licked my lips in anticipation and noticed Rogan watching me closely. Then stuffed it in my mouth covering the gasp that was leaving my mouth at his intense stare. And then my eyes closed as the flavoured meat exploded on my taste buds. And couldn't help but moan making Rogan chuckle. "Wow this is really good. "Oh by the way, its cute how you guys have these pet names for each other." I wonder what her pet name for Roman is... Shaking my head at my silly thoughts I heard the last part of Rogan's reply. "...then they just stuck I guess, what about you and Charlie. "Nope I don't think what we call each other are any sort of endearment, more like insults." We both laughed. "Yeah I figured as much." I felt those eyes on me again but this time they made me feel good in a way making me smile

Finally stuffed we took a drive to a lake out in the woods that Rogan knew well. We had the seats reclined as we watched the water sparkling and birds fly around over head. We were in comfortable silence for awhile when Rogan spoke up suddenly. "Hey check that out, over there..." He says leaning over me slightly while pointing in a direction I followed with my eyes. It was a deer and its fawn having a drink on the other side of the lake. "I see them..." I whispered as if talking louder would startle them but the lake was so large they probably didn't even knew about our presence. I could feel his breath on my neck and didn't dare turn around. I briefly wondered if he could hear my heart beat like a drum and to further embarrass me I had a hard on. Rogan's scent was washing over me in waves. I hope he didn't notice. Man I blamed his cologne or scent that has to be it! Down boy, down please. Then a thought struck me he was still practically on tip of me, was he playing me. Why wasn't he moving back? Then my phone suddenly went of making me jump and maybe saving me from jumping Rogan's bones. I felt Rogan move back clearing his throat. And used the opportunity to get my phone from my back pocket making me have to raise my hips bit I did it side ways so my package was not so fully displayed. Checking the caller id I saw Charlie's face flash across my screen. "Hey what's up sis?" I asked taking a quick glance at Rogan and quickly looked away again. His shirt had ride up exposing his wonderful abs and treasure trail just as he stretched in his seat. He did very casually but I couldn't help thinking that this was seduction and he was a master. "Are you even listening to me lesbo?" Charlie's raised voice brought me back to my senses. "Yes whatever." I said as I hoped it was nothing too elaborate. "Goody thanks bye!" She up then glad to get back to whatever she had going on. I didn't dare ask again opting to deal with it when I got home later. Leaning back I faced Rogan and dam. Why do let myself into these situations. His eyes were closed but I knew he was awake. His skin and hair was so perfect now that I studied him closely I had the sudden urge to run my hand through his ebony locks but resisted. "Your staring like your sister." He teased making me laugh awkwardly looking away and found his eyes open. "But hey I don't mind." He drawled al traces of play gone. His eyes were intense and it looked like the grey in his eyes was turning to liquid silver. My faced burned at his admission. Was he flirting with me? Should I say something back?  But as quick as the moment came it was over saving me from reacting to his advances if they even were. Rogan is straight end of story. He got up holding out his hand to me making me look up at his tall frame. His face gave nothing away as he waited just his usual teasing smile. "I wanna show you something, come on."  He tilted his head at a rock formation on the south bank of the lake. The playful Rogan was back again and I didn't know if I was happy or disappointed. A few days ago a cute guy flirting with me would fuel my sense of vanity, with me being into girls mostly. But these guys were something els with them I felt more like the prey than hunter that I thought I was.

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