im his princess he's my jerk 5

142 4 1

*School finish *


Finally schools finish, I could finally go home and do work then sleep Thank you lord!

Nicole was waiting for me at my locker, "Hey gurl, wanna exchange number? " she asked

"Sure, here's my phone than hand me your phone" I told her handing my phone.

After we exchanged our numbers, Nicole left first cause she had an emergency at home, now I was walking home but I felt like I was being followed then my phone rang. "Hallo? " I said in a cheery voice

"Hey sis, um I'm just calling to say hi and telling you that dad , me and Matthew won't be coming home." she said Yes! house to myself. "But why"I said smiling good thing she couldn't see me.

"Dad had to stay behind and would be sleeping at his extra room in his office, I'm staying over Ronald and Matthew is staying over his friends house so u got the house to yourself but place don't burn it down " she told me laughing in the end.

"Okiee sis, I won't so I'll just have dinner outside then head home, see you tomorrow take care" I told her "Bye sis you too" she replied than hung up.

I'm was very happy, I love it. I was planning to go to a fancy restaurant but that was expensive so I just decided to eat at Starbucks. I know what you thinking 'How could she get full' well to tell you I will cause I ate so much at lunch so Starbucks will be fine.

I entered Starbucks and saw this hot cashier "Hello, how may I help you" he said smirking at me.

"I want a cold chocolate chip drink and 2 cheesecake please. " I said looking at him with my Flirty smile.

"Coming right up,.. "

"Elizabeth " I said

"ok, coming right up Elizabeth " he said still smirking at me

"Um, can u bring it to my table, please " I said pouting at him

"Sure thing beth " he said

I went to a table near a window, After 3mintues the hot cashier came "Here you go Beth" he said putting the food down "thanks.. "


Thanks Andre " I said smiling at him

The cheesecakes were delicious, this is why I love Cheesecakes.

After eating I went home straight but I still got a feeling that someone was following me, so when I was almost near me house I ran to my door opened it and locked it. Wow that was close. That was creepy too.

I went straight to my room took a bath changed into my tank top and shorts and did my homework for English , why do they have to give honework -.- , After finishing my work I went down and watched TV.

Justin's pov

Well schools finish and I really haven't got a Yes from Liz, such a disappointment.

Before I left school I saw her talking to this chick she was with at lunch, I forgot her name was it lily? Angelica? Sam? that doesn't matter it matters now is if I could ask her number.

That's easy, so before the chick left I grabbed her arm and pulled her behind the school

"Hey " I said giving her my signature smile

"hi" she said blushing

"Well , I know you're close with Liz but would you mind giving me her number please? "I said giving her puppy eyes and pouting at the same time

"Um, yea um sure, give me your phone" "she said

"here by the way put yours too" I said still smiling "Bye and thanks sweetheart " I said winking at her then leaving.

I'm quite running now cause Liz had left school already so now I'm trying to find her.

There! she went inside Starbucks, wait! I have to wear my hoodie first or else she'll know it's me.

When I wore my hoodie, I went in Starbucks and orderd a cold chocolate chip, which is my favorite. I sat close to her table but not too close or else you know. I could hear the cashier flirting with her, ugh that just gets me so mad!

I waited until she finished eating then left, I think she notice that someone was following her so she started running than went in to the biggest house I've ever seen, if I think my house is big well this is much bigger and better.

Now what should I do? I really like her and want to bring her on a date, why the hell did I have to be so cocky, ugh

I've got a plan! I went behind the house and there was a big pool. I looked up at the house and there were three windows so I'm guessing the one in the middle is her room , you know why because that the only room with light and I could hear her singing. Her voice sounds amazing.

There was a tarrace so it was easy for me to climb up, when I got to her room it was super dark like I couldn't see anything. I tired finding the light switch but failed and knocked something that made a loud bang. Oh no!


Hey guys! Still trying my best to update! but guys please vote! I beg you! thanks ♡

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