im his princess he's my jerk

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*Next Day*

Ughh another day of school.

Well too bad cause I'm not going school. After what happen yesterday I'm still tired, so I called Nicole to tell her.

"Hello? Nicole?"

"Yello! Morning girl" she said cheery

"Well, I won't be going school today, still so tired" I said

"Aww, who. am I gonna be with then??" she said sadly

"Don't worry, I'll ask someone to keep you company, btw if there was a gossip about me not going school because I was scared of Tiffany, please help me tell those people, you know what I mean" I said smiling

"Alright gurly, I'll come by after school" she replied

"Okiee, have fun " I said

"byeee "

After I called Nicole I called Justin, who do you think I will ask to keep Nicole company? Tiffany? Yea right! the answer is HELL TO THE NO. (if you are wondering how Beth got his number, it's the time when Justin trespass her house, please continue )

"Hello?" a Deep voice said

"Well hello to you too, I won't be going school today and I have an assignment for you. " I told him

"Hey angel, Well why aren't you going school and what shall I do for you my angel?" he said, I could feel his smirk from the other line.

"Well, I'm still tired and don't want to go to school and stop with the chesseness, Well your assignment is to keep Nicole copy, don't let bitches hurt her, you may bring your friends with you and don't let her feel alone or else you won't like what I will do " I said smiling at myself

"Well, ok maam. I will obey! I'll see you after school angel" then he hung up

Well that's all settle .

And for the rest of the afternoon I went to sleep and set my alarm at 5 so I could wake up before they came.

I SURE AM SUPER TIRED. tell I fell asleep just thinking about nothing.


Hey guys, sorry if it's short. but hope you enjoy it. vote! love yo guys ♡

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