im his princess he's my jerk ▲

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After I left my room I went down to watch tv, I kept changing the channels because nothing was on then I saw this channel about one direction (well I like one direction but I'm not crazy about them ) so I just watched that then suddenly I heard a loud bang upstairs.

Shit a burglar! I went to get my bat under the sofa( I know, weird) I slowly went up to see where it came from, it came from my bedroom so I opened the door and hit the person.

I turned on the light and was shocked who that person was, the person wasn't a burglar, wasn't a talking rapist, it was Justin! Shit! His unconscious. What to do!? what to do? Wait! why do I have to help him, he trespass but I feel guilty but mad too!

After I thing an hour passed he finally woke up!

"What the hell happened?" he said rubbing his head.

"Well I hit u on the head with my bat!" I said with guilt but then got mad again

"But it was your fault for trespassing!!! " I yelled at him

"And what the hell were you doing? Did u follow me here? Are you stalking me? " I asked still shouting at the ass.

"I'm sorry that I trespassed, I just really wanted to know where u live but I don't stalk people fyi and I'm sorry if I'm obsessed with you!!" he yelled then covered his mouth when he realised what he said. Omg, was that true??

"You like me? your obsessed of me?" I said amused

The jerk kept quite. Ugh,the silent treatment .

"I'll give you 10 seconds or else you'll regret it" I said with my serious tone.

"Fine, there I admit it! I like you okay!??" he said looking down.

I lifted his chin and asked

"Why? It's my first day today, and where's that playboy badboy I saw today ,the guy that flirts with every girl in school or maybe have sex with every girl in school " I whispered the last part.

His eyes went wide, Oh I think he heard me Oh well.

"Hey! I didn't have sex with every girl in school! " he denied with a pout. Aw how cute.

"So u didnt denied that u flirt with almost all the girls! " I said feeling proud.

"But that's not the true me! You don't understand " he said feeling down.

"Hey, tell me then so I'll understand you tell me the real you" I said looking at him. We sat down on my bed then he start talking.

"Well , look at me I'm different from school! Look at me now, I'm so upset because the girl I like doesn't like Me and at school I'm this jerk that hits on every girl just to keep my reputation! " he said still looking Down .

"Hey, hey look at me. There's no problem of showing the real you but I'm sure those bitches at school won't understand but it's fine being different ok? Look at me, I'm this loser at school but is actually this rich girl " I said still looking at him.

"Well ok, thanks, your great Ü" he said finally smiling.

We stayed silent for a we while but not an awkward silent until he broke it "So how about saying a Yes to a date?" he asked looking straight at me.

Should I? well his not bad at all, right?

"um, liz? liz? you zoned out " Justin said waving his hand in front of me.

"Oh sorry, while ok, I'll go on a date with you. " I said smiling at him.

"Ok, Saturday night, I'll be going soreheads for disturbing and pick you up at 7 , princess. " he said winking at me. °Theres the cocky Justin I know° I thought

"Well ok then bye jerk" I said putting my tongue out at him

He laughed then kissed me on the cheek then left.

Wow, I have butterflies.

Am I? Am I falling for jerk Justin?


Well I again guys, sorry if it's still little, really trying, don't be mad btw Please Vote ♡ thanks!

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