Chapter 4: Manila, here we come!

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Harry's P.O.V

We just had our concert in Thailand, the second to the last destination in our ASIAN tour. There was a great crowd of people there, they were all kind and nice people. I wish we could spend more days here in Thailand, but sad to say we need to go.. we still have one major concert to do, the last major concert in our asian tour: MANILA CONCERT, PHILIPPINES.

Now we're heading to the Philippines, to be exact Manila, Philippines. I heard a lot about the Philippines, some of my friends at UK told me that there were a lot of beautiful places in Philippines, especially the beaches. I like going to the beach, I feel so relax every time I see the beautiful blue water and a white sand.. I really can't wait for this concert tour to be over. That's why I am really looking forward to this last destination of the tour, the Philippines.

As we are waiting in the airport for our flight, the lads are busy with one another. I could see Louis playing with Liam they're both laughing with each other.. they're making me jealous now.. Louis Tomlinson is the funniest guy among us four and he is my closest friend in the band, the reason why the paps keep making issues that we're gay and dating each other.. But that's not true, we're not gay. We're just close with each other, Heaven knows we are not gay! While Liam Payne the goodie goodie in the band, he acts like our second father, he is very responsible and all that.. In short, what I'm trying to say is that he's the mature one.

I can see from the corner Niall seating beside Zayn.. Zayn with his headphone on and busy making doodles in his drawing pad. That is Zayn Malik's hobby he likes to draw and doodle, he's the artist in the band and he loves art. Meanwhile, Niall is so busy eating his food.. Niall Horan's life is food, food is the one that makes him happy besides music, So If you try touch his food, you'll be dead.

"What you staring at man? Want some?" Niall smirked as he offered me his food. This is a miracle! He never offer his food, this is a first haha!

"No thanks man! I know that ain't enough for you." I joked and he laughed.

"Touche.." I heard Zayn said without looking away from what he's doing, doodling.

I left the boys there for a while and decided to go to the washroom to wash my hands, Paul Higgins our security walked with me behind .. did I mention already that I'm a neat freak? Yep, you heard me right.. I'm a neat freak. I always want cleanliness. Sounds weird right? But yeah, that's me Harry Styles the neat freak. As I was walking to the washroom, two girls were rushing towards me.

"OH MY GOD HARRY STYLES IS HERE!!" I heard them shout. the girl nudged me and asked for an autograph. "Harry, I'm a huge fan can you sign this?! I LOVE YOU" They were hyper and giddy.

I smiled and said "Sure love, what's your name?" the girl told me her name and I signed her autograph. This is what I love about my job, I love my fans.

The other girl asked for a picture and she pulled me so close to her and with her other friend. I was in the middle of the two of them. I rubbed both of their back, so that they will calm down and not be nervous, this is what I do to most of my fans. The three of us smiled cheekily as Paul Higgins our security take a picture of us.

"Thank you so much, Harry!! You never know how much you made us happy!" the other girl said.

"You're always welcome lovely ladies." I winked.

"Harry, we need to get going before the other fans noticed you." Paul said worriedly.

"I should go now ladies, it was nice meeting you.. I hope we can see each other again.." I waved my hand and walked off.

"Goodbye Harry! We love you, Visit Thailand again! Take care of yourself!!" I can still heard them yell as I walked. I really love my fans they are all sweet and beautiful of course.

I went to the washroom quickly and wash my hand, fix myself and returned to the place where the boys are.

"Where have you been, mate?" Liam asked me smiling.

"I went to the washroom." I said cheekily.

"What? for 15 minutes? " Louis said sarcastically.

"Bumped into a few fans, ya know." I said defensively.

"Few fans or some Thai actresses that tour us here in Thailand last week?" Niall butt in.

The four lads laughed out loud.

I just smirked at them. I heard Louis said "Such a flirt, Harold."

Yeah right that's what they always label me. aside from being a neat freak. Harry Styles also known as the flirt in the band, because I always have the numbers of the beautiful girls in UK and USA.

"Whatever man." I smirked.

Few more hours, and finally we ride the plane. We were sitting at the V.I.P area of the plane. Louis is sitting next beside Niall, while I was sitting next to Liam and Zayn. Its only a 30 minutes flight because Thailand is close to Philippines. I glanced back to Niall, I saw Niall putting some lipstick all over Louis face. while Louis is still asleep. Niall saw me looking at him.

"Ssssshhh.. " He looked at me and gestured keep quiet.

"You're dead mate when Louis wakes up." Zayn said smirking. He saw it also.

Niall stick his tounge out on us, like a 3 year old kid. Niall loves to play prank, so am I. but I'm not in the mood for today.

Few minutes later, Louis woke up. Niall pretend to be sleeping "Good morning lads! didn't know I fell asleep.." He said looking to me and Zayn, then he stood up and went to the V.I.Ps toilet. then all of sudden we heard him shout. "NIALL JAMES HORAN YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!!!!"

Liam was startled, because he was sleeping when he heard Louis yelled.

"What just happened?" rubbing his eyes.

"Nialler here pulled a prank again on Louis." I said laughing.

"That was the best funny 3 minutes of my life!" Niall said laughing out loud.

Louis went out of the bathroom and run quickly too Niall. But Niall saw him and immediately run. Now two retarded boys are running inside the plane. The whole management and us ( Liam, Zayn, and Me) are watching them.

The guys stopped running.

"Good morning, It would be five minutes before we land MNL, Philippines. Hope you had enjoy the journey." The pilot announced.

"Manila, here we come!" Niall  and Louis exclaimed excitedly in unison. The two lads can't hide their excitement neither am I.

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