Chapter 21: Explain

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Lauren's POV

"I fancy Julie! I mean she's such a sweetie and a humble one. I like her as a friend." Mara said, she sounds joking and trying to piss off Julia. Lol.

"I agree!" I added, this is fun. I'm the happiest when I saw Julia pissed off haha.

"What ya think, Juls?" Kathryn smirked.

"Yeah, she's fine. They look cute together." Julia said plainly, but obviously she looks pissed. Lol Julia.

The girls and I exchange looks except Julia, "Yeah, Julia keep faking it." I teased and we all chuckled, Julia just rolled her eyes and mouthed 'shut up Lo!'

"What's taking them so long?" Mara says changing the topic as the rest of us clean up the bonfire party we made.

I shrugged at Mara's question, not knowing what to say. "Maybe they're just having their BNO ya know."

"BNO?" Mara, Julia and Kathryn asked in unison.

I gave them a 'seriously-guys-you-dont-know' look, "Boys night out!" I said in a duh tone, and they all laughed at me. What is so funny about that?

"Girls, do you think I should check on them?" Kathryn asked.

"What? You already miss Nialler?" Julia teased.

Kathryn blushed, "Uh never mind, let's just wait for them to come back here." Kathryn said.


Zayn's POV

I'm still mad as I stare at Harry, blood keeps dripping from his nose continuously, while Niall and Liam comforts him. I really never meant for it to happen, I didn't want to punch or hurt him because he's my best friend and most of all, all of us are like brothers but still he was the one who provoked me to do it, to hurt him. He lost my patience and reached my limits causing me to hit him straight on the face.

"I can't contact Paul, where could he possibly be?" Liam said currently worried with the situation especially with bleeding Harry.

Niall handed Harry his hand kerchief while both Liam and him helped him stand up. Harry took the hanky and quickly wiped off the blood dripping from his nose. He looked at me sternly, he's furious and mad again.

"Funny how you hit me, when you really don't know what happened before you and Liam came in." Harry said slowly, Liam looked at Harry giving him a 'dont-start-again' look.

I didn't respond, he was right though I didn't really knew what happened but it was obvious he pushed Louis.

Harry turned to Liam and said, "You want to settle everything, right Li? Then why don't you tell our best mate Zayn to speak? Doesn't he have any tounge?" Harry said sarcastically as he emphasized 'best mate', then he return his gaze on me.

How really immature of him. I'm starting to get really pissed again, "Pushing Louis, won't solve your problems Haz.. If you have a problem on me take it out on me, not him!" I shouted.

"Can we not talk without shouting?" Liam said as he goes in between me and Harry again.

Louis grab my arm, maybe because he want me to back off from Harry, cause sure as hell I might punch this jerk again.

"Why don't you ask Lou? On what exactly happened?" Niall buzzed in and looked at Louis "Since you eavesdrop, oooops.. I mean you heard what Harry and I were talking about." He chuckled sarcastically as he nod his head at Louis.

Niall was obviously siding Harry. Louis and I exchange looks, I wanted to know what really happened.

"Niall, stop it." Liam warned. while Louis is still not answering yet.

"What Liam? You guys need to know what exactly happened fist before hitting your mate on the face." Then Niall looked at me straight to my eyes, I felt a little guilty and at the same time angrier.

"Since when did you take sides?" I said as I looked at him, if looks could kill.

"Oh that is not the issue here, let Louis speak!" Harry said as he look at Louis who is now looking at the ground.

"Louis, we need to know what happen. Tell us." Liam said impatiently, all of us are looking at Louis waiting for him to explain.


Louis' POV

They are all staring at me, waiting for my explanation. I am starting to regret what I said to Harry causing him to be angry at me and pushing me on the ground, this all my fault.. If I haven't told those words to Harry then this whole mess wont happen.

I broke off from my thoughts as I look stare back at the four of them, "Niall's right, I eavesdrop.." I started.

They are now focusing more at me, "Eavesdrop about what?" Zayn asked quickly.

"Well, back at the bonfire I was observing the four of you Zayn, Julia, Harry and Julie.." I said and looked at Zayn and Harry.

"Harry looked happy but a bit off at the same time, like there's something wrong.." I said, Liam nod telling me to continue my story.

"So I decided to talk to him, but when I was about to approach him.. Niall and Harry stood up and went back here to the hotel.. So I decided to follow them without knowing.. Then, there I heard them talking about the girls.." I said, then I looked at Niall asking him a permission if I can tell him what I heard about him liking Kathryn. Niall nods and let me continue.

"What about the girls?" Zayn asked as he looked at Niall, Harry and me.

"I heard Niall admitted to Harry that he likes Kathryn.. Same goes with Harry liking Julia." I said and saw Harry flinch, then I received a glare from him.

"Then, why did Harry push you?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, Louis why did I pushed you? Care to explain that?" Harry teased, he is still mad.

Liam and Zayn looked at me intently, "I heard Harry told Niall that he can't confess to Julia because you Zayn is always around her, then I buzzed in with their conversation telling them to just forget their feelings for the girls 'coz it will only ruin our vacation and also because we will leave soon too, plus long distance relationships wont work, but with what I had said Harry pushed me instead causing me to fell at the ground, then you guys finally arrived." I finished and avoided the four pair of eyes who are still staring at me.

"That's it? That's it? That's it?" Liam keep repeating as he paced back and fourth walking.

Zayn remained silent, maybe he is still figuring and let the words sink in to his head.

"You guys fought because of a girl? Really? How immature." Liam said annoyingly as he look the rest of the lads, "I swear to God, if Simon and The Management found out about this, everything's over." He added. "You guys are crazy! it's just a girl!" He rambles and continue to lecture.

Harry looked up at Liam, "She's just not a girl, Liam! I like her! I like her a lot, that I can't stand her seeing happy around Zayn!" Harry finally admitted, hurt was plastered all over his broken nose.

Zayn flinched and looked at Harry, but he didn't say a word.

"What now? Their just friends Harry! What were you thinking?" Liam explained impatiently.

Seriously, Liam are you blind? I thought, didn't he see the way Zayn looked at Julia.

"Right, Zayn? You and Julia are only friends, right? You only see her as a friend, right?" Liam added, I saw Niall with furrow eyebrows probably he thinks the same way like I do.

Zayn looked at me and the lads, he let out a big sigh as he rub his temples and said, "Nope, I like her too."

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