Chapter 23: Angry Annie

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Julia's POV

The girls and I finished cleaning up the things we had for bonfire, still the boys aren't back yet. What's taking them so long? I thought.

"I think we should go and check where they are." I said to the girls who are all looking tired.

"Maybe they were just hanging out with each other, alone time with each other.. Without us, just them five.." Mara said as she yawn. She really looks sleepy, besides its already around 12mn.

Lauren and Kathryn nodded in agreement with what just Mara said, "Yeah Juls, let's just give them time to spend with one another." Kathryn smiled at me.

"Plus, they will text us if they need us or anything.. Let's take a rest now guys please! I am so tired like super!" Lauren said with her sleepy voice.

The girls and I walked back at the hotel, but we didn't saw the boys anywhere.. Where they could possibly be?

I felt something's up and very different, I just hope I'd get a text from Zayn or Harry telling me that everything's alright.


Harry's POV

We left the balcony of the hotel and proceed to our hotel room to take a rest already, I still can't believe what Zayn said about the whole fake engagement thing between him and Perrie.

Once we got back to the hotel room, there we saw a very Angry Annie (One of the head of the Management) and Paul sitting at the couch.

"What took you so long to have a bonfire party?" Annie said eyeing the four of us. Then she finally stare at Me and Zayn with a shocked and worried face. I guess she finally saw my broken nose and Zayn's swollen jaw. "Wait a sec, did you guys get into a fight?" She said angrily and worried at the same time, then she looked at Paul.. "Look what happen to them, I told you to always stick around with them." She start lecturing us and Paul.

"Who beat the two of them?!" Annie asked Liam, Niall and Louis as he stand up from the couch and examine our faces.

The lads remained silent and didn't speak up, they just exchanged looks then avoided Annie's gaze. Annie crosses her arm around her chest, "I am asking the three of you! Answer me or else I will call Simon to report this!" She angrily shouted.

"And where are the girls? They should always look after you! How come they'd let this happen!" She added before we can explain.

Annie is so mad, this is not good.. I know her capabilities when she's mad, sure as hell she might fire Paul, but I hope not.

I finally have the courage to speak up, "I started the fight." I said as I flip my curls.

"What? Please say that you didn't, Harry!" She said as she unfold her arms.

Then she paced back and forth and said, "I knew this will happen! You got drunk again, aren't you? And what club did you get into a fight? You're such a mess!" She scowled at me, mad as ever.

"I punched Harry, it's my fault. Stop lecturing him." Zayn said and gave me a glance, but I avoided his gaze for I am still mad at him for what he did.


Zayn's POV

Annie got mad when he saw me and Harry who has bruises on our faces, we're both injured for hitting each other. She got mad at Paul for not sticking around us and she's also mad with the girls too because they didn't look after us, well in fact it was really our fault not theirs because we left them at the bonfire and didn't inform there where we are and besides, We didn't know things will turn out on hitting each other after what has been said with one another.

I decided to speak up and save Harry from Annie's lecture to Harry, "I punched Harry, it's my fault.." I said as I looked at Harry but he looked away.

"You what?" She said and raised her eyebrows, then looked at me. She's very red and mad.

"Please tell me you're just covering for Harry's mess!" She said angrily.

"I said I hit Harry and broke his nose." I said to her loud and clear. I receive 'why-did-you-tell-her' look from the lads except Harry.

Annie looked at me furiously, "Oh you have to explain me everything, Malik." She ordered and I start explaining to her everything that happened tonight.


Niall's POV

Annie started interrogating Zayn and Harry about what happened, she also asks us for assurance that both of them are telling the truth.

I texted Kathryn to let them know that we're back at the hotel and they have nothing to worry about although honestly everything's not.

After I texted her I went back on listening to Annie and the lads explanation.

"This so far from what I expected, we should be having fun back at the beach not fighting with each other." I whispered to Louis and Liam. They both nodded and sighed.

"Do you think she'll fire Paul?" I whispered again to the lads, then Annie looked back at me, I think she heard me, "You want me to fire Paul, Niall?" She asked me angrily, I just shook my head no, "Then shut the fuck up." She angrily said. Annie is really terrifying each time she's mad.

She turned back to Harry and Zayn and continue to interrogate, a few minutes later, "You fought because of the girls?" She yelled as she stood up from where she's sitting.

"Both of you are out of your mind?! you fight because of one girl? Seriously, Harry there are so many beautiful models at UK way better than her, don't tell me you'd kill each other because of that girl." Annie said with knitted eyebrows.

"She's just not a girl." Harry said, "We liked her!" Harry and Zayn said in unison.

"Zayn, you're engaged! have you forgotten the contract you signed?!" I heard Annie said.

"Screw that contract." Zayn said impatiently and pissed off.

Annie rubbed her temples as she paced back and forth, "I swear to God I will call Simon early in the morning before we leave."

"We're leaving already?" The lads and I asked in unison.

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