Chapter 31: Medicines

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Mara's POV

I went out of the lad's room while the other girls went and the lads went to the park, while Zayn and Julia was the one left behind at the hotel room.

Liam is following me while I made my way to our room (us girls. room). Why is he following me? I want to rest right now.

When I reached the front door of our hotel room, Liam grabbed my arm.

"What do you want, Li?" I ask patiently, although deep inside me I'm quite annoyed because I want to lay down on my bed then rest.

He looked at me and plastered that cheeky smile that always makes me blush, I hate it when he does that."Can we hangout?" He simply said, but he was like kinda nervous too.

I really would love to hangout with him but now is not the time. I sighed,"Sorry Liam, but I want to rest right now. I'm still tired from the trip. My head hurts a bit, maybe I need to sleep it off." I said trying to be polite as every way as possible.

He let go of my arm and gave me an understanding smile, "I understand, I'd be in our hotel room. Just text me if you need something." Then he finally went out of our room. I really felt Liam's sincerity. I was glad its okay with him that I cannot hang out with him right now.

I immediately lounge at my bed and take a nap.

I heard a knock at my door in the middle of my good sleep. what the hell!
I stood up from my bed and headed to the front door.

In my surprise I saw Josh! Holding a bags of snacks and junk foods, plastering his cheeky smile.

"Surprise!" He exclaimed, I looked at him with confused look "Hang out remember?" Josh added. Then I finally remember his text the other day.

I rubbed my temples still not feeling well. "Are you alright?" Josh asked a little worried I guess.

I nod at him and gestured for him to come in, he went inside and settle fown at the couch as he prepares the snack.

"I also brought some DvD's for us to watch." He said to me and showed the piles of DvD that he brought. I glanced at it and saw Iron Man 3, The phantom of the opera, Thor 2, The Notebook, Toy Story 3, and Wrong Turn.

"Really Josh, you're watching Toy Story?" I chuckled as I picked it up.

He just smiled at me and said, "that's Liam's DVD. Because it's his fave movie." He explained then I mouthed 'okay'.

Josh set up the movie then we lazily sat at the couch and watch Toy Story. I suddenly remember Liam because now I know this is his favorite. How I wish he's here with me right now cuddling while watching this funny cartoon movie.


Liam's POV

After I walked back Mara to her room, I went to the gym to exercise for a bit. I only spend like thirty minutes there, then decided to went back at our hotel room.

Once I got back there, nobody was there. Not even Zayn and Julia, maybe they also went somewhere just like Niall and Louis and the girls.

I quickly took a shower and decided to visit Mara to check if she's already feeling okay. I grabbed my medicine box out of my things and went to Mara.

I knocked at the door, hoping that I am not disturbing her sleep. I knocked five times until she finally open the door.

"Liam?" She said, nervousness was evident in her voice. What's gotten into her? Why is she nervous?

I smiled at her, "Why are you not happy to see me?" I sarcastically asked then chuckled at her reaction.

She simply shook no, but looks like she doesn't want me to come in.

"Can I come in?" I asked cooly.

"Mara, what's taking you so long to open the do---" I looked at the guy who was approaching the door, but he finally stopped talking when his eyes landed on me. He saw my presence.

I felt a bit angry when I saw him, what is he doing here?

"Josh?" I started, "What are you doing here?" I added cooly, pretending I don't mind him with Mara.

"Hey Li, Mara and I are just hanging out. It's been a while since we last hang out." He said to me.

Mara was just standing there not speaking, but she gave me a 'I-can-explain' look. But why does she need to explain we're not even together. I just hate the fact that she rejected me, lying to me that she's not feeling well. Well in reality she's just making that excuse because she likes to hang out with Josh instead of me.

I should have known from the start that she will always hate me, ever since we met that is our situation. I should've not force her to like me as a friend or whatsoever.

I feel so hurt when she declined my invitation earlier, that might be our first date but she turned it down then now she's hanging out with Josh watching my favorite movie and my very own DVD copy of Toy Story.

I don't want to embarrass myself too much anymore so I decided to just go.

"I just brought you these medicines because you told me you weren't feeling well a while ago." I said as I hand to Mara my medicine box. "But looks like you're already well now." I added, I looked at her and Josh. Mara looked at me as if she wants to say something to me but I avoided her gaze after she did that.

"I should get going now. Bye." I simply said, trying to be cool. I turned around and went out as quickly as I can.

He rejected me then she accepted Josh, where is the justice in there? What did I do again for her to treat me like that? I feel so hurt right now, I badly wish I didn't went there and now I suddenly want to delete all the memories that I had with her, from seven minutes from heaven up to the precious moments we had in Boracay.

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