Chapter 33: Little Black Dress

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Julia's POV

Zayn and I went to the mall, honestly I don't know what we should do or where should we go now that we are here inside the mall. Paul is with us but he keeps a distance from us so he's just watching us from a far, there were a few fans who run towards us for a picture. Mostly of them ask for a picture with Zayn. They were all squealing and gushing towards him. I am glad though because Zayn is humble enough to entertain them.

One fan approached me, "Hi Ms. Julia, would you mind if I get a picture with Zayn.."

Before she could speak again, I told her "Of course, sweetie!" Then I smiled at her as I'm about to get her phone.

Zayn approached me and the fan.

"Nope, I mean I want a picture of me, Zayn and You." She politely added as she looked at me and Zayn. She look so starstrucked at Zayn. "The three of us together in one picture." She clarifies as she ready her phone's front camera.

Zayn smiled at her genuinely, as he tangles his arm around the fan's shoulder. This is what I like about Zayn, he treats his fans like a family.

We pose for a good shot, all of us are smiling happily. The second shot was a wacky one, doing silly faces. It is really a funny one. After the shot the fan thanked us for the beautiful pictures.

"Thanks a lot. I really had a great time taking pics with the both of you. I really wish the two of you would date, both of you look cute together. Until next time, thanks a lot again, Bye!" The fan said quickly, then she waved goodbye at us right after her small speech. I almost chuckled at her for being such a cutie.

How could a fan say that when she knows that Zayn is already engaged with Perrie. Oh well.

"The fans were hyped, really love them!" Zayn says as he slowly tangles his arm around my waist, I suddenly shiver at his move. I broke off from my thoughts as I looked at him.

", t..they're so happy to see you." I stuttered, I feel uncomfortable. Why is he doing this making me blush big time. I thought only Harry could make me feel this way, but I was wrong Zayn has also an impact to me. Damn.

Zayn smiled at me as he untangles his arms, then he cleared his throat "I'm so sorry, shall we go now?"

I returned a smile to him as I composed myself back, I should not blush and stutter again.

I nod at him and we started to scoot around. We went to different stalls inside the mall, each time we enter the shops the staffs or saleslady squeals. he is such a stunner, I mean c'mon he is Zayn 'hot badboy' Malik. Who wouldn't squeal at his looks and charisma?

"Julia, I think this will look good on you?" He stares at me as he hands me a little black dress with a very sexy style. Is he seriuos? Or Joking? What ,the heck? I am really not expecting him to say that to me. Does he really like making me blush around him? I don't know if I should feel offended or happy that he compliments me? Ugh whatever.

Zayn has this really something that will give you butterflies each time he stares at you. Plus another charm that makes a girl blush so much. He's giving me a hard time to pretend that I don't give a damn to his flirty moves.

I mean it's not like the first time we meet or talk, but this past few weeks we've been with each other's company and I cannot deny the fact that I enjoy every single moment with him. Well, yeah except that sometimes, I thought about Harry whenever I'm around Zayn. I may be longing for Harry but Zayn always managed to fill out his absence and Zayn always know how to make me smile.

Things got a little awkward ever since the Boracay trip, I mean good awkward like, I like him around but I don't like it when he do these things that make me shiver and send butterflies to my stomach. I don't know why I felt those kind of things each time with I'm Zayn, am I starting to develop my feelings to this Bradford Badboy?

"Juls?" He questioned me, "Are you alright?" He added, then he rubs my back. Will you stop it Malik! How could I be alright if you keep doing these moves to me?

"Uh, uh.. I am fine?" I said but in a question tone. Zayn just narrowed his eyes on me, probably thinking if I am telling him the truth. Maybe he wants to know what is really bothering me.

I took the dress from him and fit it in one of the dressing room. It was a beautiful black dress in a tube desingn with beautiful sequences around the sides, it was beautiful. Beautifully fit to me, I guess?

I went out of the dressing room and was about to show Zayn how perfect the dress he chose for me is, But in my surprise he is nowhere to be found. Did Zayn just left me?


Zayn's POV

Julia and I scoot around the mall, we went to several stalls and boutiques to shop some clothes for tomorrow's trip.

I decided to bring her in one of the shop wherein there were many beautiful dresses. I brought her here so that I can buy her one. I have something in mind the reason why I brought her here.

As I was busy choosing on what kind of dress should I buy her, Julia on the other hand seems like she's in a deep thought.

I decided not to bother her and continue to choose a perfect dress that will suite her. Of course I want a perfect one for her. After a few minutes of searching the racks. My eyes finally landed on a shiny little black dress around the corner, perfect! Just perfect! This will surely suite her. I smirked at the thought of her wearing this beautiful little black dress.

I approach her and said,"Julia, I think this will look good on you.." I showed her the dress and hand it to her, she looked amused though.

I waited for a moment for her response but she didn't even react, as if something is really bothering her or maybe she doesn't like what I chose for her.

I decided to ask her, "Juls, are you alright?" I asked her as I rub her back, "Don't you like it?" I said gesturing her the little black dress.

She answered me with 'I am fine' but in a question tone. I'm starting to wonder what is she thinking all about. After that she took the dress and went to the dressing room. I already paid for the dress because I am hundred percent sure it will really look good on her.

Then I decided to went out of the shop and thought about getting her something.


Julia's POV

Since Zayn is nowhere to be found, I just returned to the dressing room and change clothes. Where could he possibly be? Why did he left me anyway?

When I was done changing, I went out of the dressing room, carrying the dress that Zayn chose and look around for Paul but he is nowhere to be found too. Maybe he accompanied Zayn? Or they left me?

I approached one of the sales staff to ask if they ever see Zayn.

"Have you seen Zayn?" I asked one of the saleslady. Then hand her the dress and a money for the dress. I decided to buy it because Zayn chose it and the dress looks good on me. I smiled at the thought of Zayn.

"Miss Julia, Mr. Malik already paid it for you. He bought it for you." The sales staff said.

I suddenly feel this butterflies again, Damn. I don't know what to say, I don't want to assume things. Doesn't mean he bought me a dress he already likes me? Plus, he is with Perrie, he's already engaged Julia! So stop overthinking things.

I broke off from my thoughts, as someone pats my shoulder from behind. I turned around to face the person.

Then in my surprise, I finally saw Zayn with a bouquet of red roses and a balloons in his hands, flashing me his sweetest smile ever. Oh my God! Is this for real or am I just dreaming?

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