Chapter 40: Letter

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(Listen to Tamia's 'Almost' song while you read this story.)

Julia's POV

"Louis gave me this letter, he said this is for you." Lauren gave it to me the she walked away, I quickly opened it and read it.


By the moment you read this, I already left. I am so sorry if I haven't say goodbye to you personally. I'm sorry if I left you without even a word.

It would only 'coz me pain if I saw the girl I like the most crying (Crying because of Harry leaving).

It would only make me so hard to leave, Julia my love, I know from the start that it was Harry who you like. From the moment you met me at the airport I know you have your eyes laid on Harry.

Kathryn also told me that, you chose Harry among the five of us. That made me realize that maybe I was just forcing myself to you. That no matter how hard I try it is always Harry that is on your mind and heart.

When the management told us that we have a concert tour at your country, I was very excited because a lot of people say your country has beautiful tourist spots, and they were right. You have showed me those. When Annie told us that we were having partners they showed us the information and pictures of all the four of you (Mara,Lauren,and Kat). And When I saw your image, I already knew you're the one I want to spend the rest of my vacation with.

Julia, my love. Do you remember when I invited you to the shore to watch the sunset with me? You were very disappointed back then, because it was me and not Harry. I badly wanted to punch myself for being so selfish. I should've not force myself to you.

But you proved me wrong, when I started to pull out pickup lines and jokes to you. You were laughing as if there's no tomorrow. You are so beautiful. I'm glad because I made you happy. And then I was hopeful, that maybe.. Just maybe, you would learn to like me too. But again, I guess I was wrong.

Do you remember the morning you saw me with wounds on the face? I felt your concern but I saw the way you look at Harry too, it was more than concern, I felt the pain in your eyes when you saw Harry hurt and with broken nose. Juls, my love. You were the reason why we fought. We both know we love and like the same girl. And I was so stupid to hurt him. I should've known that it was always been him. It was always been Harry who you like.

Do you remember the day that I was about to confess my feelings for you? You invited me to the mall instead right? To avoid the tension or maybe you were afraid that you might hurt my feelings if you rejected me. But Julia, my love it would be an honor to have my heart broken by you.

The little black dress I bought for you was supposedly the dress that you would wear if I asked you on a date. And I did asked you remember? Remember the text that I sent you? Telling you to follow the petals and wear the dress? Julia my love it was me. But I know you're wondering why I didn't show up and saw Harry instead.

Do you remember when you and the lads went to the party? I was there Julia. I went there I was watching you, you were busy observing Harry and Bea. And again, seeing you jealous makes me suffer too. I saw you went out the club and finding for someone. I don't know.. I saw you scooting so I followed you.

Then suddenly bunch of guys attacked you. Of course, I cannot let the girl I like the most be harmed by those jerks and pervs. I fought for you that night, Julia. It was me, my love. It was me who saved you from the bad guys.

That night Harry was drunk he was begging me to give way, to let you go. To just let you have him. I was hesitant that night. Should I give you up? I keep asking myself, Am I ready to forget my feelings for you? That I should give way to my bestfriend, Harry?

I needed answers. Then the next day after that, Annie call for an urgent meeting.. And it was one of the sad news in my entire life.

We are leaving, I am leaving the girl I love the most. At first, I wasn't ready too accept that we're leaving too soon. But Julia my love, it is where my life revolves.. In London.

I almost thought, what If I just quit my career and live a normal life with you? But then I remember, its never gonna be that easy.. And you don't like me.

But Julia my love, I would never get tired of loving you.

It was that afternoon, when Harry talked to me after how many weeks, we haven't talk since the fight. And it sucks 'coz I miss him, I miss my bro.

And then it hit me, my realization hit me that, Harry is right I should give you up. Harry is way better than me. I could see and feel that he loves you. He never been so in love like this before. So I grant Harry's wish to have one more chance, one more day, one more date with you. And that's why I told you to follow the petals.

When you finally arrive at the place, I saw you from a far, I was hiding with Louis. You were wonderful that night, I was dying inside because that was supposed to be me who you're with but it was Harry.

I saw it too when you thought I was the one that you'd meet. Suddenly I felt alive.. that maybe, just maybe within that moment... you liked me too.

- Zayn

I do like you, Zayn. I really do.

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