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Hi everyone!

Don't worry this will be short.

I just wanted to introduce you to myself and this story. So first of all, my name is Anna and I'm very new to this whole "writing fanfiction" thing, nevermind writing lemon.

So there will probably be a lot of mistakes and all that. Please excuse that.

Second of all, I'd like to set a few ground rules and explain this story. It's pretty self explanatory but just in case.

1) This story is entirely based around Lucy. So please don't suggest Jerza or Gruvia or anything like that, because it won't happen.

2) The story is pretty much Lucy with anyone, crack ship or not. I don't mind writing her with anyone because she's my shipping whore.

3) Each chapter is based around a letter of the alphabet and a different guy with Lucy around that word. For example, the first chapter is A, for anal naturally, and it features Natsu and Lucy. Next chapter is probably not going to be Nalu therefore.

5) You can make a lot of the suggestions. It actually helps me to hear what you suggest. If it's a good idea, chances are I'll probably write about it.

6) No negative or unhelpful comments please. I'll probably delete those. If you don't like a pairing or a theme, just don't read it. Thank you.

Annnnd I think that's all!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!


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