E for Erotica - ErLu

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Chapter 5
E for Erotica
Erza x Lucy


'Her hands went down my body until finding my gate of heavenly essence. One of her fingers slid inside and made me cry out in great pleasure from the penetration. A feeling of satisfaction went through my temple of .

Suddenly, 1 fingers became 3. My body longed for Erica, and it was as though that hunger was finally satisfied.

I came, my body jerking and then relaxing as I passed out in a post orgasmic state, with Erica by my side.

It was perfect.'

Lucy grinned, satisfied, and placed her pen down on her desk. She read over her work for any spelling errors, and corrected minor mistakes.

She had been secretly working on this erotica project for a long time, a blossoming love between two best friends, Erica and Lisa, who were in denial of their sexual preferences and their feelings towards one another. Her friends knew that she was writing a novel, but so far no one knew what KIND of novel she was really writing. And as far as Lucy was concerned, no one WOULD know until she was one of Fiore's recognised and respected novelists.

As Lucy corrected her work, her apartment door slammed open and her team loudly invaded her room.

"LUUUUCYYY," Natsu and Happy cried.

Lucy's eyes widened to the size of actual saucers as she hurriedly tried to hide her work. She managed to stuff it under a few books before Erza came up to her.

"Lucy!" she called from behind Lucy, making her jump up in her seat.

"Y-Yes!" Lucy cried back and stood up, facing her teammate and friend. She plastered what could be described as the fakest and most dramatic smile known to mankind. "You guys are back!"

Erza smiled.

"Are you feeling better? We were sad you couldn't come on the mission with us," she said sympathetically with a warm gaze.

"Huh?" Lucy asked, confused, before she realised she had in fact faked illness so she could stay at home and finish her novel. "Oh! Right! Yes, I'm feeling much better! Thanks for asking." Followed by a nervous giggle.

"Yeah, we missed you," Gray called from his comfortable position on her sofa.

"We're not doing a job without you again, Luce," Natsu pouted. "It's always more fun when we're together."

Lucy grinned, touched, and walked towards the boys.

"Geez," she sighed in content. "You guys are so sweet."

Natsu blushed.

"D-Don't go getting any ideas," he mumbled, and Gray smacked him around the head for it, effectively starting a brawl between the two.

Lucy was too busy breaking them up and trying to chase Happy around that she didn't notice the fact that Erza was being a little too quiet.

Erza had stumbled across something very interesting on Lucy's desk. That something interesting being Lucy's secretive novel she won't let anyone read. Her curiosity getting the best of her, she began to skim read as much as she could before her best friend could catch her. It didn't take her long to realise exactly what kind of novel it is. Erza's face confronted from shock, to heat, and then finally settling on cringe at her poorly described sexual situations and equally poor choice of words/phrases.

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