B for Bondage - GrayLu

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Chapter 2
B for Bondage
Gray x Lucy


3 weeks.

It had been 3 long weeks since Gray had decided to take a solo job and left Lucy all by herself, and she didn't like it at all.

3 weeks of longing. 3 weeks of frustration. 3 weeks of pent up lust. 3 weeks of being without the guy she loves.

Honestly, it was torture.

But those 3 weeks has finally come to and end. Gray was coming home, and Lucy was practically bouncing with excitement as she sat at the bar in Fairy Tail.

"Lucy, you look like you're about to pee yourself," Mira quipped with her signature chuckle and sweet smile.

"Lu-chan is just excited because Gray is coming back from his mission today," Levy teased with a grin as she sat beside her best friend at the bar.

Lucy flushed pink.

"Be quiet, you two."

Mira and Levy giggled and cooed at Lucy, teasing her until she was red in the face, when Erza decided to join the conversation.

"Ah yes, I heard Gray's mission was a success," she added with a solemn nod while casually scarfing down an entire strawberry cake. "I saw him walking through town earlier."

Lucy gasped and stood up.

"He's already here?" she asked with both a shocked and thrilled voice.

Erza nodded and turned her attention back to her cake.

"Indeed. I stopped him to ask about his mission, and despite the sudden weather change lately, he mentioned how well it went. Apparently, he had met Lyon on the way, and the two of them had joined to work on the mission to--"

"Um, Erza?" Mira questioned with a tight smile. "Lucy ran off."

Erza turned to her left to see that the seat was empty and caught a flash of blonde hair from the corner of her eye.

"Well, someone's a little too excited."

"Oh leave her, she's been pining for weeks now," Cana added from her usual position.

"Yes, they haven't been apart for so long since they got together," Erza agreed.

"How much do you guys wanna bet she'll be limping tomorrow?" Cana asked with a lecherous grin.



Lucy ran as fast as her legs would let her, her heels making a click clack rhythm on the cobbled stones of the pavement as she raced to her apartment.

He's here, he's here, he's here...

Her thoughts were running wild and her legs almost gave in, but she knew it would all be worth it when she finally got to see him.

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