H for Hate - StingLu

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Chapter 8
H for Hate
Sting x Lucy


"Oh come on, Lucy! It'll be fun!" Cana tried to convince her friend to attend a party with her, but with poor luck was shot down once again.

Lucy pushed her glasses up on her nose with her pointer finger and sighed, closing her heavy book and facing Cana.

"You know I can't. I have to study for finals," she explained as she uncrossed her legs and placed the book on her desk.

"Finals is 2 months away!" Cana exasperated before sighing and giving up. "You can be so uptight, gosh."

Lucy just smiled. She knew she had a reputation for being the smart yet slightly uptight one in her class, but she could care less about labels. Truth is, she was used to being alone and didn't mind her lack of social skills as long as her grades stayed high enough for college.

"Alright, settle down everyone."

The teacher entered the classroom and everyone silenced immediately. Mr Clive could be seriously scary sometimes. Lucy tucked her chair in to her desk and began taking notes when the door of the classroom was barged open.

Enter Sting Eucliffe.

"Sting. You're late," Mr Clive stated with zero surprise. He was used to this.

"Won't happen again," he smirked, although everyone in the room knew exactly how untrue that statement was. A giggling whitehead in a cheerleader costume entered with him, her arms tightly wrapped around one of his and her giant breasts pressed into it.

Sting Eucliffe was the total opposite of Lucy. He wasn't originally from Fairy Tail High but transferred there mid semester because his lack of seriousness towards his studies and his distasteful attitude. He was a mixture of your average jock and badboy, who listened to no one and followed only his own rules. Yet somehow, every girl's panties were drenched the minute he spoke to them. It didn't take a genius to know he slept around quite a bit. He was exactly the type of person Lucy did not want to get involved with.

He took a seat in his usual seat, right next to Lucy, much to her distaste. It was safe to say he didn't like her much either, since they were polar opposites.

Cana turned back to face Lucy briefly and whispered. "Let me know if you change your mind about the party!"

Lucy smiled tightly.

"I won't, but thanks."

Cana turned back with a frown and Lucy felt a pang of guilt.

Sting snorted.

"So how does it feel?" he asked Lucy, who didn't bother turning her head and continued facing the front.


"Having a stick up your ass?"

Lucy scoffed and he smirked. She turned to face him and flashed his a sardonic smile.

"I don't know, how does it feel to have all those STDs?"

The smile dropped from Sting's face and his eyes narrowed.

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