O for Office - LaLu

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O for Office
Laxus x Lucy

Lucy was late.

She had no excuse, really. Just that she had a really late night and her alarm clock failed to...well, alarm her. So, here she was in the back of an uber, mildly undressed, casually a mess, definitely hung over and 10 minutes late.

Sure, that doesn't sound like that big of a deal. 10 minutes was nothing, in hindsight. But then again, you don't know Lucy's boss. 10 minutes was 10 minutes too late.

She quickly finished buttoning up the remaining few buttons on her silk blouse, trying to ignore the way the driver's eyes were glued to the rear view mirror rather than on the road. She cleared her throat subtly, snapping him out of his ogling as he pulled over near the large office building. The second the car had stopped, Lucy was out and sprinting despite her ridiculously tall heels.

She ran into the building best as she could, quickly pushing into the crowded elevator and pressing the top floor button. A herd of men pushed into the tiny room, but all Lucy could think about was the digital clock ticking far too quickly on her phone. The red numbers on the elevator increased at snail pace; 19, 20, 21, 22.


The tall doors of the elevator opened, and Lucy almost sighed in relief; almost being the key word. The doors spread to reveal what she had been dreading all this time. He was there.

Polished shoes, tight fitted suit, slightly gelled blond hair, looking like the poster boy for GQ magazine. But that's not what she was concerned about. Oh no. She could get used to him looking like that. What she couldn't get used to was that frown. His perfect lips pulled down at the corners, with his eyes narrowed into a menacing glare and his brows furrowed in agitation. The rumour around the office was that he never smiled, or showed any emotion for that matter, other than irritation, agitation, anger, annoyance, well you get the point. That look on his face was permanent.

He was beautiful, but devastatingly so.

"You're late," he informed in a low, menacing tone, as if she didn't already know.

"I know, I'm sorry, Sir," Lucy scrambled for an answer as the other men around her stepped out, mumbling a quick 'good morning' to the boss before practically running away. Smart move. "I was j--"

"Save it." He turned on his heels without sparing her another glance, speaking over his shoulder as she followed quickly. "I expect it will never happen again. You know how much I loathe tardiness."

Lucy rolled her eyes behind his back as she raced off behind him to catch up. "Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir." The others around the office cast her sympathetic glances. Of course, they had been in the same position several times before.

"What's on the rota for today?" He asked, heading towards his office.

Lucy quickly pulled out her tablet from her handbag, unlocking it open and pulling up the schedule. "You have a meeting in 15 about the Webber case with Mr Longman, and then you have to arrange the charity ball you'll be throwing in a few weeks; planning needs to be sorted for that. You'll have a small break for lunch before you need to sign the paperwork for tomorrow's meeting with the Zurich Corporation. And then you'll need to sign the papers for the Webber agreement if things go well, which I'll have printed out for you. Oh, and the files for the other three cases and the big meeting are due tomorrow, so you'll need to write those up too, with consultation from the finance manager. That brings us to the end of the day."

By the time she had finished rambling, they had reached the end of the long route, finding themselves at Lucy's desk just outside of his office, constricted by giant glass doors. He turned to her, his eyes not leaving his own phone.

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