K for Kinky - JeLu

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Chapter 11
K for Kinky
Lucy x Jellal


"Your highness," the scrawny old man called from the bottom of the steps, bowing down to the man sitting above. Everyone else in the throne room followed suit, bowing before the king.

"All rise," the King called in a voice full of authority, sitting leisurely back in his large throne. "What is on the agenda for today, Byro?"

"The peasants have been rebelling more and more each day, your highness. They demand a decrease in taxes."

"So decrease the taxes."

"But that would mean we give in to their rebellion! We could have the army take care of it!"

"We are not slaughtering innocent civilians," he spoke in a calm voice.

Byro's eyebrow twitched in irritation.


"Are you questioning the King's decision, Byro?"

Byro cleared his throat to gain composure and lowered his head against his will.

"Of course not, your highness. My apologies."

The king slumped back in his seat and gazed upon his subjects.

"The peasants deserve more credit and I do not want a civil war. Take care of it so that they stop this foolishness without hurting anyone. Am I understood?" Byro nodded. "Good. Next."

The minister searched through his pile of paperwork before approaching the King.

"Your highness, we need your signature to confirm the trades with the East. Everything else has been finalised."

He signed the paperwork accordingly before dismissing the old man.

"Anything else?"

Byro smiled.

"The last on our agenda is regarding your company for the night, Sire."

The corner's of the King's lips quirked up as a smirk displayed across his face. He sat up in his throne and motioned for him to go on.

The minister cleared his throat.

"We have gathered 12 slaves from the village; all beautiful women for you to choose from."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Bring them in."

And at his words, Byro raised his hand and motioned for the knights to bring them in. The large gates of the throne room opened as 12 women ambled inside in a line. They all wore clothes fit for a slave and it was clear that none of them wanted to be there.

The women turned to their left and hung their heads and the King rose from his seat. He walked forward and begun to examine each of them closely.

There was a variety to choose from. They all looked young in age, some a little too young. He found something to criticise and something to compliment in each of the females presented before him, thinking carefully before making his choice to suit his unique...style of intercourse.

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