C for Comfort - LoLu

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Chapter 3
C for Comfort / Creampie
Loke x Lucy



Everyone hurriedly rushed around the crowded guildhall and scattered trying to find their places.


Laxus wrapped his strong arms around Mira and she smiled up at him adoringly near the bar.


Levy found her place on Gajeel's lap and a distinct chuckle from Gajeel could be heard echoing around the building.


Juvia had already mounted Gray, although he didn't look like he was complaining much.


Natsu and Lisanna leaned in towards each other, a look of love and desperation shared in their eyes.


Lucy stood there in the middle of the guild, all by herself shifting from foot to foot, surrounded by happy couples kissing and the sound of lips smacking in the air.

New Years at Fairy Tail have always been a tradition, as had the infamous midnight kiss. It seemed as though everyone had someone...except Lucy.

She felt tears brimming her eyes at the thought of being alone another year, but quickly shook her head at the absurd thought. She didn't need a man to be happy. But it certainly wouldn't hurt.

Most of the couples pulled apart from each other after a few seconds, except Gray and Juvia who had somehow vanished in the middle of the crowd. Cana came up to Lucy with a dashing Bacchus on her arm and a concerned look on her face.

"Hey, Lucy, are you okay?" she asked with a frown.

Lucy's face lit up with the biggest fake smile she could muster.

"I'm fine!" she assured her friend, who still seemed skepticle. "I'm just feeling a bit tired, that's all. Let everyone know I went home early, alright?"

Cana nodded, still with that frown on her perfect lips.

"Goodnight, Lucy," Cana smiled nevertheless and hugged her friend.

Lucy bit her lip to convince herself not to break down and cause a scene.

"Night, Cana."

She quickly pulled away and practically ran out of the guild before anyone saw her tears. The walk home was lonely once again, and Lucy was left alone with her thoughts.

The minute she entered her apartment, she jumped for the bed and stuffed her face in her pillow, heavy sobs shaking her body like earthquakes as her tears stained the pillow. Mascara and eyeliner ran down her cold cheeks and her entire body felt frozen and numb.

God, what is wrong with me? Why can't I get a guy? Am I that undesirable?

A sudden flash of gold light interrupted her pessimistic thoughts as her lion spirit appeared in the blink of an eye.

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