Chapter 2: Sneak Peek of Marcel

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The loud boom went all around the empty classroom and vibrated the walls. I looked over at Niall who practically jumped out of his skin by the sudden noise. It startled me but it didn't scare the crap out of me.

"Wow Niall, you're so tough." I laughed and stood up from my seat. He was seated on the floor with his hand holding his chest. "I'll go after him." I stated walking out the door. I didn't wait to hear his opinion; I just went to look for him. I was curious as to why he left and why he slammed the door like he was angry. Interesting. That's why I chased after him.

"Marcel?" I found his lean body against a locker in a deserted hallway doing, what I'm guessing, homework. He looked up from his work and quickly put it up. He seemed like he was surprised to see me.

Hm... Weird.

"Why did you leave? And why did you change your voice when they arrived?" I slid down the wall next to him. His eyes were looking at me sliding down the wall next to him. I noticed his glasses were off and I could see his beautiful jade green eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He looked at me straight in the eyes and spoke slowly. I couldn't tell if he was lying or not. His face was very hard to read. His voice was deep like when I first heard him talk.

"Yes you do. You changed from this very deep voice to some squeaky, nerd like voice."

He turned his head towards me looking me in the eyes. He had a small smile on his face and I was curious as to why he was smiling.

"There are some things I can't tell you, sweetheart."


I actually haven’t been called sweetheart. Its sweet. Or he’s being sarcastic. Either way, the word that made me get goose bumps. 

Goosebumps in what kind of way? 

I still need to figure out that myself. 


It was the end of the day and I have Marcel in first period along with fourth. Niall is in my second period and Harry is in my fourth. I was determined to see Marcel before he leaves. I don't know why but I had to see him again. I do not look forward to getting on the bus anyway so I'm going to try to get a ride with him. Drew left early for a reason that she didn't inform me on.

Marcel is still a complete mystery to me. He acts confident and sexy when he's alone with me but when he's around anybody else, he turns into some kind of 'nerd'. I don't know whether he's insecure, which I doubted, or he's really scared of people. Besides me. But that didn't make any sense!


I have spotted the target. I yelled out for him to turn around while trying to weave through people who were getting to the bus port. I got hit in the face a couple times, ouch. He turned around right before he was getting in his car. Which was a great looking car, by the way.

"Hey Raven." His dimpled smile was in view as he talked in his deep, sensual voice when I was close enough.

"Hey. I was wondering-"

"A ride?"

Well, aren't you smart Marcel?

"How'd you guess?" he kept his eyes on mine, as my smile grew wider.

"Well, you're friend left early and the buses aren't really all that fun." He chuckled lightly.

"Right you are. Would you mind?” He shook his head quickly.

"Of course not. Especially a fit girl like you." A small smirk appeared on his dimpled face. I'm not so certain on British slang but I think fit means hot.

"Are you flirting with me Marcel?” He leaned on his car to get closer to my face.

"Maybe." His eyes scanned my body slowly, making me feel slightly uncomfortable, and he looked me back in my eyes. His eyes were a darker green as he swallowed a lump in his throat.

"Shall we go?” His voice a little deeper also. I wonder what's wrong with him. 

"Of course. How about we go to your house? I don’t really want to be alone at home and I don’t know where Drew is." I said getting in the passenger side. I never had a problem with making friends so it's not really that hard for me. That's probably why I clicked with Marcel, Harry, and Niall. They all seemed like they were sweet and funny in their own way. Harry is the only one who is actually American from the three but I'm glad to hear their accents.

"S-Sure." He stuttered swallowing another lump in his throat and gripped on the steering wheel tighter. He seemed uncomfortable all of a sudden and I still can't figure out why.

"It's hot here." I fanned myself with my hand even though it did no justice for me.


Marcel's P.O.V


She's so unaware of this.

I can't do it though. 

But she's making it so easy.

She would be just like the others. 

I harmed them though...

I stopped doing that.

Good thing I didn't get caught or I would've been in jail. That’s why I stopped...

I think it would be classified under woman abuse but it was pleasure at first. 

That’s why I liked the tears...

The whimpering...

The pain in their face...

The pain so clear before I -


No need to call my name now baby.

You'll be calling it later when you beg me to stop hurting you...

It’s hard stopping something that you love to do. Everybody expects me to be the nerd who studies non-stop but I don’t need to study. I’m a child prodigy; I'm just smart like that.


I tried to answer like there was nothing gruesome going in my mind...

But there is...

And she was clueless to it. So clueless which makes it even harder to not do it.

"I would love to drive this."

I can think of a few things you can drive baby.


This is going to be hard turning my life around...

A/N: CHAPTER EDITED. Ugh, it was so bad lol.

Bad Boy Marcel (UNDER SERIOUS EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now