Chapter 19: The End

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My shoulders and legs were sore and I had a huge migraine but I've been through worse. I finally got to my front door and saw my mom's car in the drive way. I walked in the house, hoping my mom wouldn't see me but she was in the living room. Her eyes were red and she was wrapped in a single blanket.

"Marcel?" she called to me softly. Her tiny body was next to mine in a matter of seconds. Her soft arms wrapped me in a motherly hug. "Why do people always hurt my angel?" She wondered out loud. I weakly returned the hug.

"I'm no angel, ma." I closed my eyes and leaned my head against hers. I loved how warm she was. I felt happy.

"You're my little angel. No matter what you do baby, you will always be an angel in my eyes." She sniffed. I walked her to the couch and laid her down.

"Don't cry, ma. How about we cuddle on the couch and watch movies?" I smiled at my mom. I loved my mom, she was all I had. She had bright blue eyes and curly brown hair. I had my dad's eyes.

"I would love that. I want to braid your hair." Her eyes held excitement and I knew she was waiting for this day for years. I hated when she braided my hair but I'm willing to do this to her.

"Sure mommy." I haven't called my mom mommy in years. Her smile widened at the sound and I knew this would be the best way to spend the rest of my night.

My mom is the only woman in my heart.

Raven can burn in hell.


I knocked on his door three times. My heart was pounding in my chest in anxiety. It's been two months since Marcel has said a word to me. He changed his phone number, he changed his classes from mine, he ignored every note I have him and I have to talk to him. Drew is in an asylum since she was crazy as fuck, shocker. Harry's been trying fix our friendship but it won't be a long time until I forgive him. He's apologized at least a thousand times. Only five thousand more times left. Niall isn't even trying to talk to me. He does his best to avoid me and I'm not trying to talk to him. His brother is actually a sweet heart to me. He actually got beat up by Marcel two weeks ago but he thought it was Harry since Marcel didn't have on his nerd outfit. He doesn't wear that anymore and everybody keeps talking about how hot he looks and how they can't tell the difference between Harry and Marcel but I can. It's the little things I can pick out that Marcel has that Harry doesn't.

"What are you doing here?" His cold voice matched the cold weather outside. I swallowed the lump in my throat and started speaking.

"Is this the last of us?" Goosebumps could be seen on me since I didn't put on a jacket. I ran out of my house and went straight here. I had on socks, sweatpants and a short sleeved shirt. Marcel studied me for a moment.

"What do you mean?" His face looked so much more attractive without all the bruises that once colored his face.

"You know what I mean! I'm sorry, okay? I honestly loved every minute we shared together. I loved every argument we had. I loved what we had." This was harder to do than I thought. I was holding in my tears as I spoke. My voice was rough and dry.

"You mean the fake relationship we had? The relationship that got me kidnapped and abused for two weeks? Or the fact that I actually loved you but you were playing me the whole time? What about planning all this with my cousin who fucking hates me? Or actually believing I would be as low as to kill people just because they bullied me? Bullies are not a problem with me and they don't beat me up 'cause I can rearrange their jaw with a punch. I don't want to hear it, Raven. Stop calling me, stop texting me. Just stop all of it because it's a waste of my time and yours. Bye." Then he slammed the door. My damp cheeks were cold against the breeze. Tears kept spilling out of my eyes and sobs kept leaving my mouth. I caused him a lot of pain, if he wats me to leave him alone then I will.

Because I love Marcel even if he doesn't love me back.

A/N: Last chapter! Sorry if it seems rushed but I just want to get to the sequel !! I'm so excited for it lol. Thank you for reading my story and I really hope I did a good job with it. I just write as I go along. I don't brainstorm or come along with plot points so if I left out information, I'm sorry!

The sequel will most likely be posted today. Tomorrow at the latest.

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