Chapter 3: Looks Can Be Deceiving

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A mystery.

That word describes Marcel perfectly. His styled hair, his glasses, his dimples, his pitch changes, his clothing style, EVERYTHING.

It's been two weeks since my first day of school here. It’s been pretty good since I've been hanging out with Marcel for the most part but I also hang out with Harry, Niall, and Drew. Niall and Harry always argue and it always ends up with Harry mocking Niall's accent. Niall starts to get really defensive about how ‘Ireland is the best place in the world’. I've been to Marcel's house three times. He always gets nervous and clammy when I'm there so we usually just walk around the many stores in the neighborhood. It's Saturday and Drew has plans for the day. She’s been hiding something from me, I can tell. Harry was forced to go to a museum with his mom, who is really nice. And Niall's granddad is visiting from Ireland so he’s hanging out with him to eat green or whatever. Horrible Irish joke.

Either way, that equals a very lonely me. So I'm surprising Marcel today by going to his house. Good surprise, right?

"Hello Ms. Terri." I greet as I see her coming out of her house. When she sees me, she smiles since she already familiarized with me.

"Hello Raven. I don't mean to sound rude but I have to go to work. You think you can handle being alone with Marcel?" The question was awkward itself. The fact that she winked with it made me feel embarrassed.

"Ms. Terri!" I heard her laugh as I tried to calm down my burning cheeks. Count on Marcel’s mom to think I’m sexually frustrated.

"I'm just pulling your leg. He should be in his room so you can just let yourself in. Bye dear."  I waved at her passing car and walked in the house. That same vanilla scent I'm greeted with when I come to his house is so enticing. I've never been to his room. Whenever I try to, he freaks out and denies me going in there. It's cute that he gets so nervous around me.

I heard a thumping sound that sounded like loud music playing so I followed that.

The closer I got, the more lyrics I could actually hear.

Women skinning them and cutting them up in chunks..

That's actually really gross.

Who would want to skin someone and then cut him or her up in chunks?

That makes me want to puke.

Literal puking.

Better beware, stay clear of Buffalo Bill.

Buffalo Bill?

Wasn't that a movie or something?

I was outside of his door but his door was cracked slightly. He looks very into the song.

Weird boy.

Now what'cha know about Buffalo Bill?

Nothing. So chill.

Fucking hoe, you better fucking hold still.

This is a really sadistic song.


I guess it's catchy.

Marcel didn't strike me as a rap fan.

I guess looks can be deceiving.

I keep hearing voices like

'Wouldn't you like go and get your butcher knife and push it right through her while you push your shush kabob skewers'


This is definitely a sadistic song.

I guess I should go in now.

I pushed the door open quickly and froze on spot.

I definitely shouldn't have gone in.

Song: Buffalo Bill- Eminem

(I actually really like this song (: )

A/N: DON'T WORRY! I'm going to update soon since it's a cliffhanger (: Sometime tonight. Any guesses as to what she saw?

PLUS A/N: CHAPTER UPDATED! I still want to remove a lot but I don’t have time fo dat!

Bad Boy Marcel (UNDER SERIOUS EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now