Chapter 13: Girlfriend

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"Are you nervous?"

No Harry, I'm sweating chicken broth because I'm excited to see the fucking fair!


I was supposed to meet Marcel here, in the park, to officially be his girlfriend.

I was scared that he was going to catch on to our plan and wring Harry's neck. Harry was hiding in the bushes on the other side of the park.

Please let Harry be safe during this whole plan.

"Raven," a deep voice startled me as I was staring at where Harry was. "You look beautiful."

They told me to dress up for Marcel so he'll be too distracted to be suspicious of things. I was wearing black leggings, a tight purple V neck and a black cardigan.

This is not my style and that's probably what shocked Marcel.

"Thank you." I said softly looking at the ground.

How do I say this?

"So, why'd you call me here?"

Just do it, Raven. You are saving a lot of lives by doing this.

"I-I thought about what you said." I felt like I was disgracing myself by even the thought of going out with him. But, there's a part in me that's happy to see him. I hate that part. "I'm ready to be with you. I'm ready to be yours."

How did I even come up with something so cheesy and hopelessly romantic?

I looked up at him and almost laughed. His face was full of shock but also he was happy. I've never seen him look so happy. He can't possibly like me that much.

"Really? You're not fucking with me, are you? Please tell me you're serious." His pleading broke my heart. Go along with the plan, Raven.

"I'm serious. I," I feel awful for playing him like this. I can't see the monster that he is when he has that look on his face. "I really like you." I smiled. I hope it didn't look guilty.

Marcel ran to me and hugged me. He held me tightly. It was comforting.

"I promise I won't screw this up. I'll try my fucking hardest to make you happy. I promise you that. Anybody makes you upset," he pulled back slightly and looked at me. His eyes were hard and cold looking at the moment behind those ridiculous glasses that he didn't need. "I will handle them. Okay?" I just nodded.

What am I getting myself into?

"I'm ready to be with you. I'm ready to be yours." Harry laughed for the fifth time since we got back to my house. Zayn was clutching his stomach and Harry was wiping tears from his eyes. I rolled my eyes and continued to stir the hot chocolate in my hands.

"Shut up. What else was I suppose to say for him to believe me?" They've been making fun of me ever since Marcel left.

"A simple 'I would like to go out with you' would've worked."

He has a point but I'm stubborn so my way was best.

"Well, Marcel is much more deep than that."


The only name that sparks my anger, gives me chills, and makes me feel fear.

I don't understand it.

A loud banging on the door interrupted their laughing. I put my hot chocolate on the table and walked to the door.

"Who is it?" I pressed my ear to the door to hear the name. A hoarse and saddened voice responded.

Bad Boy Marcel (UNDER SERIOUS EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now