Chapter 11: Vulnerable

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So, Zayn's visit made my mind a scrambled mess. What he told me made me want to stay away even more. I wanted to move back to my old place because...... I was scared. I don't get scared easily but Marcel just scared me straight to the bone. I was constantly watching my back, trying to avoid him.

"Hey Raven, we need to talk." I heard a Irish accent behind me. I smiled hearing his voice. I actually missed him and I needed comfort from somebody that I trusted.

"Hey Niall," I said and turned around. My breath caught in my throat as I looked at the poor soul in front of me. "Holy fuck Niall, what happened?" I whispered as I looked at his bruised face. He just shook his head and stared me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry Raven but," he started biting his lip which added to my uneasiness. "We," he took another pause as he avoided eye contact with me. "We can't hang out anymore. We can't have anything to do with each other."

To say I was surprised would be an understatement. I was fucking shocked. I didn't want to lose Niall as a friend. I actually had a small crush on him.

"No. You can't be serious, Niall. Look at me." I forced his face to look at me and he flinched. He's probably still sore from whatever happened. "I like you, Niall. You can't just say this without an explanation. Was it something I did?" I whispered and stepped closer to him. I never had a problem of admitting a crush to someone if I absolutely liked them. But, I don't think I like Niall as strongly as I thought. I just needed to say something to keep him in my life.

"I just don't like you, Raven. I don't like hanging out with you. I just felt sorry for you, okay? Just leave me alone." he turned around and limped away. And I didn't move. For a while, actually.

The bell rung, I was still there.

The warning bell rung, I was still there.

The late bell ring, I was still there.

"Raven," that's the last voice I wanted to hear. "Are you alright?"

I can't believe someone with this velvet like voice can be so messed up in the head.

I shakily shook my head and dropped to the floor. Tears were pouring out of my eyes and I continued to wipe them. Marcel joined me on the floor and embraced me in a hug.

"Being vulnerable can trigger emotions that you hide deep inside."

My dad's voice echoed in my brain as I looked up at Marcel. His eyes were not amused nor were they clouded with lust. They were concerned. Why isn't this Marcel here all the time?

"What's the matter? What happened? Who did it?" He asked frantically.

"Niall just said he doesn't want any associations with me. I don't understand what I did?" I laid my head on his chest hearing his heartbeat.

"Oh. Well, you don't need him if he gives up on someone as beautiful as you." He whispered in my hair.

Where is this Marcel when he's yelling at me? Where is he when he's throwing me off the couch?

I looked up at him and just looked into his eyes. His eyes looked really clear today. He looked like he had gotten rid of all his worries. He looks free.

I think I have a crush on Marcel.

"What are you thinking about?" he smiled at me.

Seriously, this has to be his fucking twin or something. There is no way this is Marcel.

"Who are you?" I stupidly asked. It's a stupid question but it had to be asked.

He laughed at my question but answered anyway. "Marcel. Who were you expecting?" his face suddenly got harder. "You were expecting someone else?" he asked harshly.

Nope, it's Marcel.

Way to fuck things up, Marcel.

"No. Please do not start being an ass, I'm not in the mood." I do not have time to deal with his mood swings.

"Sorry. I'm really trying to control my jealousy." Uh.... Did he think we were going out?

"Marcel, we don't go out." That simple sentence just made something snap inside him. Fuck.

A/N: These are really short but I'm uploading a lot with them (:

I'm going to start yet another fan Fic lol it's going to be more happier and humorous than this one.

I'm just not sure if it should star Liam, Louis, Harry, Zayn, or Niall.


I might choose Niall :P

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