Chapter 12: The Plan

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I never really met anyone with true anger problems than me. I was usually the one who threw things, hit people, broke stuff. Nobody had worse anger issues than me until I met Marcel.

"Marcel, we don't go out." His face darkened at my words and he pushed me off him. I fell on the hard school floor, bruising my elbow. I let out a whimper when my elbow hit the ground.

"Are you seriously going to say that? I'm trying to change for you and you're going to say we don't go out. What kind of bullshit is that?" he got up from the floor and towered over me. I sat myself up, getting angrier and angrier as he kept talking.

"Of course we're not going out! You never asked me or anything, you asshole!" I didn't have the energy to get up or argue with him. I just lost one of my good friends.

He hit the locker, making me jump, and crouched down so he's eye level with me.

"Listen, darling," I hate how I love the nicknames he gives me. I hate how it gives me chills. "I don't think you realize how much I like you. I struggle with anger issues, okay. I'm trying to be better so you won't leave me. You reminding me that I don't have you just made me snap. I'm sorry." His big, soft hands grabbed my elbow and he examined the bruise. His eyes glazed over as he looked at it. "I'm so sorry." he brought my elbow to his mouth and placed a small kiss on it.

Then he walked away.


Still a huge mystery.

"Are you on shrooms?" I practically yelled. Harry shook his head frantically.

"No, for the tenth time. Zayn, can you talk to her?"

Yes, you heard right.

Zayn, Harry, and I were in my room.

They weren't invited, they literally bombarded my mom with compliments and she made them stay. My mom and dad went to a Mexican restaurant to try and 'spark their relationship back'.

I don't even want to know.

Zayn explained why he won't kill me for lying to him about Harry and I being a couple. Aren't I lucky?

Marcel is the reason.

He heard Marcel talk about me all the time and he said if I was killed, he would brutally kill everybody he knows.

We don't want that. I feel special.

"Come on Raven. Please? You won't get killed." He said with it so much confidence in his voice, it made me question how important I was to the deep green eyes bastard.

"Yeah but," I scanned my head for the many outcomes of this plan which ends with Harry dead. "Harry could die." I said silently. The drug addict was important to me. Zayn looked extremely offended when I only said Harry's name.

"Hey! I could die, too!" I rolled my eyes at him. Harry laughed at him as I threw my pillow at him.

"Shut up. Explain the plan again before I kick you guys out."

"Alright. Marcel may be my best friend but," Zayn's voice got hoarse as he spoke. "He's changing into a monster. We need to break him. Whatever the costs are. He's becoming too powerful and I'm scared for everybody who has even glanced your way. I'm scared for whoever bullied him because they're going to get brutally hurt. Most likely killed. They may deserve to get hurt but not killed. Especially, how Marcel is planning it. That's where you come in. You're going to have to get close to him. You may not like him but you're going to have to be his girlfriend for a couple of weeks an get some of his paper work. Then, when he's sleep, we're going to kidnap him and lock him up somewhere. That's all you need to know for right now."

I thought about the plan.

Marcel is planning on hurting a lot of people and I can help stop him.

Should I or is my heart saying no?

I took a deep breath as I looked at them. They had hope in their eyes. Hoping I would help stop this monster.

"Alright. I'll do it."

A/N: Soooooo..... I made it a Niall fan Fic.

21 Days in the Islands is the name.

If you're reading this story,,,,

Thank you (:

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