Chapter 14: Stay With The Plan

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Hey babe! <3


lol hi baby :p


Want 2 get ice cream 2day?? I want 2 c u :(


Why not? Want me to get dressed up?


Ooooohhh!! yessss!!! u kno I luv wen u dress up (;


lol yes I do. Next time try not to dress so cute in front of my mom. I think she has a crush on you o.O


lol I'll try 4 u babe. Srry tht I'm so irresistibleeee. Cum back 2 my house after??


yep. Let me get dressed Mr. Irresistible. See you later.


Alright. Bye babe. Pick u up in 30.

I looked at our conversation and couldn't stop smiling. It's been two weeks since I've officially been Marcel's girlfriend. To be honest, I've been having a good time. We've argued at least five times. I find it amusing to argue with him, to be honest. I try to piss him off at least once when I see him. I should get ready.

That same giddy feeling I get whenever I'm meeting Marcel came. I got up and looked at the clothes Drew bought for me months ago. I only wear them whenever Marcel wants me to dress up.

Wait. Where has Drew been? I haven't seen here in weeks. Not even in class. I'll text her when I'm done getting ready.

I picked out a pink dress that I thought looked horrible but Marcel would say it looked good. It went in at the the waist and flowed to my mid thigh. It felt nice to twirl around in so I spent five minutes twirling in my room.

Next, my hair. I left it wavy because I was lazy and brushed my teeth. Marcel's been awfully slow with his 'moves'. He hasn't kissed me or sleep with me. The most he did was peck my neck when he pinned me down because I took his skittles.

My phone buzzed and I literally dived for it on my bed.


Raven wtf!! It's been 2 weeks and we don't have any info about Marcel !! quit the bs and get the info. 2day.

Oh right. The plan. I completely forgot about that. Every time I think of the plan, I get the same gut eating guilt.

Come on Raven. Are you seriously thinking about quitting the plan just because he's a good actor. Stop the fucking bullshit. Get with the plan. He's a monster. He's planning to murder people. You can't let that happen.

My inner thoughts are right. I have to do this for those people. I have to.

"Raven, your handsome boyfriend is here!" my mother yelled to me. My mom has been flirting with my boyfriend ever since we started going out. I can't believe I actually called him my boyfriend.

I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs. My mom was running her hands through his messy curls and Marcel was smiling sweetly at him. I could tell behind his nerdy act that he was loving that my mom's breast were full in his face. She had on a tank top and had to stand on her tip toes to touch his hair. His eyes kept looking at them but nobody could tell he was. His face was red and my dad was at the table with his arms crossed.

Bad Boy Marcel (UNDER SERIOUS EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now