Chapter 7

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-A few months later-

Your POV

It's been awhile since the whole drinking problem with Stein. Soul and Maka never brought it up again and everything went back to the way it was. Or close to it. I would still find Stein drinking every once in awhile and would always have to leave. I told Spirit and Lord Death about it and Spirit tried to help but Stein ended up using Soul Force which got him into the hospital. And Lord Death can't leave the DWMA he can't help either.

We were called on a mission a while ago to try and fix this but he hasn't said a word to me. I've even been depressed more than usual anyway. I've even caught him looking at me. He's been sober for a while and it's been pretty good. I weaned him off when I started to hide it around the lab.

I was sitting in a chair looking at the ceiling and he was somewhere doing only Lord Death knows what. I heard a thud and a few swears and got up. I found Stein in the kitchen with a chair on him. "How many times do I have to tell you....don't sit backwards in a chair." I siad getting it off of him. He stood and sighed sitting back down. "Still no words huh?" I thought and walked off . "good talk Stein." I mumbled and laid on the couch.

-A few hours later-

We received word that Medusa was spotted by the other teams and were going to investigate. I was walking around the area with Stein looking around. He hasn't said a word and I've been trying to learn about Medusa but he isn't helping. "Stein." I said and he looked at me. "We need to talk." I said and he looked down. "You can't be giving me the silent treatment like this." I said and he started to walk off. "IF YOU KEEP DOING THIS WE WON'T MATCH OUR WAVELENGTHS AND SOMETHING COULD HAPPEN." I said and he stopped. He was about to say something when a bunch of arrows were thrown at us. He held out and arm and I ran to him I grabbed it and turned into a weapon. He spun me around and we looked for Medusa.

Stein's POV

"(y/n) if only you knew how many times I've wanted to be able to tell you everthing." I thought and looked around. I didn't see Medusa any where. (yn) growled in annoyance and I glanced at her. I spun around and saw her in the trees. "Found her." she said and I ran at her. She jumped back and disapeared. "Damn witch,: I thought and she appeared. I blocked with (yn) when she threw more arrows at me.

I jumped and dodged the best I could. I went to slash at her but before I could I was thrown back by (y/n). She went to normal and I saw her kick me away from Medusa. She was in the middle between us. She looked at me and smiled. I fell to the ground and Medusa looked at her. I felt (y/n)'s wavelength go away then come back. She threw Medusa at a tree harder than she threw me that day. I landed and so did she. I ran over to her and grabbed her. "(y/n) why did you do that?" I asked and she smiled. She put her hand on my heart and I looked at her.

"Yay you're alright." she said and I held her hand. "I wish i wasn't." I said and she looked at me. "Don't say that." she said and I nodded. " I will because now you might die because of me." I said and she sighed. "At least you're talking again." she said and smiled. "That doesn't matter." I said and tried to stop the bleeding in her stomach. "Yes it does because you have no idea how long I've wanted to hear your voice." she said and I froze.

"What does that mean?" I asked and she looked at me. "I love you Stein." she said and fell limp. I looked at her with wide eyes. Every one ran over to us that caught up and looked at me. "What happened?" Maka asked and I held her close and cried. "She took an arrow from Medusa for me and.." I said and stopped. "And?" maka asked. "She said she loved me." I said and they froze. "Then she died." I said and held her closer. "We need to get her out of here." Kid said and I nodded.

He took her and made a skateboard and jumped on it. He flew her back the DWMA and I sat there. "Stein we need to go," Maka said. I shook my head and looked at her blood on my lab coat and hands. "What's the use?" I asked and Maka came over. She grabbed my shirt and shook me. "DO YOU REALLY WANT HER TO WAKE UP AND FIND YOU GONE?" she asked and I shook my head. "THEN GET YOUR ASS UP AND LET'S GO." she said and Soul and I both jumped.

I stood and we ran back to the DWMA. I sighed and we ran to the nurses where she was being treated. I ran in and found her bandaged and on bypass. I sighed and held her hand. "She's been out for a while now." Spirit said. I nodded and everyone left. I put hand on her cheek and on her hand. "Please wake up (y/n)." i said and brought my forehead to hers. " I love you too and don't know what I'd do without you." I said and kissed her forehead.

For the next few days I sat there without going home or eating or anything. By now her blood was well stained into my clothes and I couldn't bring myself to change or move. People came in and saw that she was still out and I hadn't even moved. I just sat there and watched as her chest slowly fell and rose. "Please wake up." I said and held her hand crying again as i had done since she was put here. "Maybe if i would have talked we wouldn't be here and she wouldn't be dying.." 

Well Stein totally blames himself for everything. Do you think if he would have talked then you wouldn't be well dying at the moment.....anyway i was thinking about doing something that happened with maka and soul with the black blood but except Stein gets brought to the brink of madness because you're dying and then when he uses you next time he goes over.....just a thought trendycupcakeslover out

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