Chapter 4

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AN: Thank you @Dramaqueen2905  and AliceaBronson for my first ever votes on this means a lot :) 

  I woke up the next day and sighed. I got off of his stitched couch and looked at the clock. "It's only 5:30." I thought and grabbed my bag and went to shower. When I was in the shower I looked at my cut on my leg. It healed nicely and i could take the stitches out. I grabbed my scissors and cut them and pulled them out. I looked it over and it wouldn't open again so I resumed with my shower. When I was done I got out and blew my (h/c) hair dry.

I put on long black jeans with a dark (f/c) shirt and as usual my converse. I walked out grabbing my brush. I looked at the clock and it was almost 6 already. I brushed my hair and put it in a pony tail. I went over to the kitchen and looked for something to eat.

I sighed when there wasn't anything and shrugged. "I'm used to not eating anyway." I said and looked at the clock again. It was already almost 6:45. I sighed and walked to Stein's room. I put my hand on the cold metal stitched door.

I pushed it open and looked into the room. I could feel his soul wavelength. It was a calm pulse and I knew he was still sleeping. I walked over finding a light switch. I flicked it and saw him on his bed He had his arm over his eyes and his chest slowly rose and fell.

I walked over and poked him. He sighed and moved his arm. "It's time to go to school...before we're late." I mumbled and looked down. He huffed and rolled over. I stood and walked over to the door. "Whatever be late." I sighed and walked out slamming the door and walking out of the stitched lab and down to the DWMA.

"Damn scientists think they know everything and have to push everyone else's buttons all the damn time." I said and stomped along the cobblestone road. I heard and ear piercing scream and I sighed. "It's too early for this." I said and ran in that direction. I stopped when I saw a Kishin. It stood over the girl with long scissor like hands. It had a deformed look to it. I sighed and turned my arms into my scythe blades.

"HEY VAGINA FACE." I said and it looked at me and chuckled. It got lower to the ground and the girl ran. I smiled and it ran at me. I jumped over it and landed behind it with a role. It turned around and it's tongue fell out. "MORE POWER." It said and I rose a brow. I sighed and jumped and this time sliced it's arm off. It screamed and tried to swing its other arm at me. I jumped back and felt someone grab my arm.

I looked and it was Stein. "Weapon form." he mumbled unamused. I nodded and turned. He spun me around in his cold hands and I sighed. He smirked and jumped at the Kishin and swung me. I cut through it and the kishin turned into an egg. He let me go and I turned to normal. "Eat up so we can go." he said and started walking. I ate it and started walking to a building. "Where are you going?" he asked and I sighed. "Just watch." I said and ran up the building.

I stopped on the roof and saw the DWMA. "alright it's that way." I said and he jumped up as well. "Oh looking for the DWMA?" he asked and I nodded. I ran off and he sighed. He ran over with me. We stopped at the DWMA stairs and I punched his arm. "What was that for?" he asked rubbing his arm. I looked at him through my hair and walked up the stairs.

Stein's POV

"I was right when I said she was interesting." I thought and reached into my pocket. I grabbed my cigarettes and lighter. I pulled one out and put it lazily into my mouth. I saw her get to the top of the stiars and turn around. She sat at the top and put and arm on her knee and held her head.

I smirked and walked up lighting the cigarette. I reached the top and looked at her. "For being mad at me you sure do wait." I said and she stood sighing. "You are my partner and teacher are you not?" she asked and walked inside. "Wait partner?" I thought and followed her. We got to class on time as the bell rang. "Today we are going to be testing your skills with whoever you choose to fight but you will not use your meisters or weapon forms." I said.

BlackStar stood up on his table and pointed to himself. "YAHOO NOW I CAN SHOW HOW MUCH OF A STAR I AM AND DEFY GOD." he said and I saw Tsubaki facepalm.

"BlackStar if you are so anxious to go then you can go first." I said and he jumped to the bottom of the stairs. "Who do you choose?" I asked and he looked around. "(y/n) COME DOWN HERE AND FIGHT ME." he said and I sat backwards in my chair. "This should be interesting." 

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