Chapter 8

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Your POV

I heard a beeping sound that brought me back to reality. The entire time I was out i had the same dream. They were about Stein and I fighting. And it would either end with me killing him or him killing me. I woke up with a jerk. I apparently startled a sleeping Stein. He fell back in his chair. "I told you not to sit backwards in that chair." I said and he sat up and looked at me.

He jumped up and tackled me. "Don't ever do that again." he said and I looked at him. "What do you mean?" I asked and he sighed. "Trying to get yourself killed." he said and picked his chair up. "As a weapon I am prepared to die if it means my meister gets to live," I said and he turned to me. "What's the point of living without you?" he said and realizing what he said covered his mouth. "Stein." I said and he ran off.

Stein's POV

I ran through the hall and to the Death Room. I to where Spirit and Lord Death were. "Sorry for interrupting but...SHE'S AWAKE." I said and Spirit stood. "She woke up?" he asked and I nodded. We ran back to the nurses room where she was at.

We burst through the door only to find her standing holding her IV stand. She was looking at something and I turned to see....Medusa. "Why are you here?" I asked and put my hand to Spirit. He grabbed it and was ready to turn. "Oh I'm here finishing what I started." she said and I looked at her. "You can't do anything while you have Soul Protect on." I said and she cackled. "Please you can't do anything with the state you're in." she said and I looked at her. "Don't you even try and touch my meister." y/n) said. I looked over to her and she started to glow.

I looked at her and turned to Spirit could see. She walked over to Medusa who was still amazed. "WITCH HUNTER." she said and her arm turned a vibrant purple and grey scythe with swirls. She cut Medusa in half and fell to her knees. I caught her and Medusa's soul was brought to Lord Death. I picked her up and put her back in bed. I went to turn away to find out what to do from Lord Death but something grabbed my arm.

I looked at her and she had my arm. She was on the verge of sleep. "Hey now go to sleep you need to rest after what you just did." I said and she smiled. "And you really need to shower." she said and I gave her a face. She giggled and rolled over. I kissed her head and walked out. I sighed and Spirit walked over. "Dude what did she do?" he asked and I sighed. "She used Soul Resonance by herself." I said and looked at me. "I thought only meister and weapon could do that." he said and I nodded.

"But did you see the grey tint that was with the purple one?" I asked and he nodded. "That i'm guessing was supposed to symbolize as me." I said and he looked at me. "So doesn't that mean she has a part of you in her?" he asked and I nodded. (maturity level 0%) "Indeed." I said and he nodded. "Interesting.." he said and I nodded. "Now you're starting to sound like me." 

Sorry it's short but hey we live so...that's a plus... now we have that mystery to work out... about how we have a part of Stein's soul in ours....we are just that alike..XD idk see ya later Trendycupcakeslover out 

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