Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The Uchiha that stole her heart
Kakashi's POV
I walked with her and we got little sleep that night. She woke up the same time as me and looked down as we walked to meet with the rest of the team. Her bruises were gone which were mysterious to me. Gladly they won't ask her anything so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. "Don't tell anyone about yesterday", she said softly. For the first time her voice was not cold or rude to me. She was nice and sweet. "I won't. I promise" "This coming from you?", she said. There's the rudeness again. Yet I couldn't blame her, I guess she's trying to find a way to smile without anyone worrying about her. When we got there Rin was there smiling and waving at us. "Morning Kakashi and (Y/N)". "Morning", we both replied in unison. Obito was here late again! Oh well.
Obito's POV
Crap! I'm late again! Now I have to listen to Kakashi's stupid rant again. (Don't worry Obito. In the future Kakashi gets yelled at for being late!). When I get there I see (Y/N) being quiet. It's unusual, she's always talking back at Kakashi for his stupid rules and etc things. She stayed quiet the whole time we were training and it seemed only I noticed it. When she was walking home for the day I tagged along and walked next to her. "Hey (Y/N)". She turned around slowly and looked at me. "Hi" "Can I walk home with you?" "Sure", she looked down and I saw a small tint of pink on her cheeks. "Is everything ok?" "Yeah. Why?" "You were quiet today. You're never quiet when Kakashi starts scolding me for being late. You're always smiling and energetic and talkative" "I'm just not feeling well" "Are you sick?" "No. I'm fine.......I'll see you later O-Obito", she was going to run off but I grabbed her wrists. "What's wrong?". She didn't look at me. "I have to go home" "Please tell me what's wrong" "It's nothing". She's a great friend (aw you got friendzoned. I'm sorry Reader-chan. *Throws rocks at Obito*) and I hate seeing her this way. She ran away and I had to go home. It was late, all I hoped was that she gets back to her normal self.
Your POV
I didn't want him to see my tears. I didn't like anyone to see me cry. So far only Kakashi has seen me cry, but no one else will ever again see my tears. I hate that I'm weak, that I couldn't save myself or defend myself. Kakashi offered to let me stay with him for awhile until I could find a place to be away from my dad. Sadly, I had no relatives who would take me. So it was going to be a long time. I didn't want to bother him with much of my presence. I went inside and Kakashi was there. "What took you long?" "Obito wanted to talk to me. I kinda got delayed"
Kakashi's POV
She was looking down in disappointment. She must think I'd have the same reaction as her father. "What took you long?" "Obito wanted to talk to me. I kinda got delayed". I let out a soft sigh. Our whole time was onesided. Obito loves Rin, Rin loves me, I love (Y/N), and she loves Obito. I wish she fell in love with me instead and Rin with Obito so we'd all be happy with each other. "Kakashi?" "Yes?" "Are you sure you're ok with me staying here? I'll be fine, I can go back and-", I interrupted her. "No you aren't going back to that man that claims to be your father. He shouldn't hurt you because of his alcoholic influenced emotions". "It's just that it feels....rude" "It's not a problem" "Ok". She looked up and I gave her a blanket and pillow for her to stay in. "Are you still up?", she whispered. "Yes" "Sometimes I'd rather give up my life to be somewhere else" (sorry if it sound suicidal. The pic above is about to make sense as to why it's there). "You think you want to die, but in reality you just want to be saved". She looked at me and smiled softly. "Yeah I guess". She whispered the last part, "I want to be his side then I'll be saved". She must have thought I didn't hear her but I did. It hurts to see the one you love, love someone else. Why is that she's the one that brings this warm feeling in my heart? Why wasn't a fan girl responsible for this feeling instead of (Y/N)? Obito is the Uchiha that stole her heart. That stole the heart of (Y/N) from me. Although, I shouldn't complain, I stole Rin's heart from him. It should have been the other way around.

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