Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Another bell test
Your POV
Today was my first day to start helping with Team 7. "Where's Kakashi?" "He's always late (Y/N)-sensei", Sakura said to me. "Just like Obito" "Who?" "It was nothing don't worry about it". Kakashi then appeared, "Sorry about that. I got lost in the path of life". I cracked my knuckles, "You're about to join the path of death if you're going to be late every single time". We walked and set three stumps and had bells with us. "Today we will be doing a bell test" "Bell test?" "Yes. You'll have a time limit to get a bell from either me or (Y/N). Whoever doesn't get a bell will be tied up and not allowed to eat". We each had a bell in our hand. "But there's only two bells", Sakura said. "That's because one of you won't get a bell. Whoever doesn't get a bell will be sent to the Academy as well", I smiled at them, "Now let's start". They all scattered away and hid from us. Well at least they knew how to hide. "You must come with the intention of killing us if you want to get a bell", Kakashi said. I sighed and waited for any of them to be stupid enough to come out so I'd kick their ass. Pretty much you can guess who got their ass kicked firsr. Poor Naruto, oh well that was his fault. This whole team brought many memories to me. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were like a reflection of my team. Naruto is Obito, Sasuke is Kakashi, and Sakura is Rin. I brushed the feeling off and focused on my goal. We aren't letting any of these brats eat! Haha maybe that was a little mean of me but hey I'm a sensei now. I can torture them as much as I want. I was attacked by Naruto now seeing that Kakashi went against Sasuke. He was so clumsy it was adorable! It was reminding me why I was in love with Obito. Sigh, if this continues to happen I might have to leave like last time. My eyes turn red and I moved my hands and kept him in place. "Hey! Hey! I can't move!" "See ya Naruto. It was fun fighting with you", I smirked and tied his hands and feet like you would tie a pig. "(Y/N)-sensei!" "What? I'm not supposed to let you get away that easy. Besides you little piggy you need to find a way out yourself" "I'm not a pig!" "Yes you are". I ran off to get Sakura. Yet I was late for that. Kakashi caught her in a genjutsu so I decided to let that do its job.
Time skip
Kakashi's POV
We ended the test and none of them got a bell. (Y/N) really went against Sasuke when she was done with Sakura and Naruto and I was surprised by how strong she got with her kenkki genkki. By now she would he able to destroy a person's heart and kill them instantly. "You guys didn't get a bell so you'll retest tomorrow. You can't work alone. Honestly, I'm disappointed on the outcome of this", (Y/N) said. That was harsh yet again true. "You guys can eat but if you feed Naruto you'll all..." "Go to hell!", (Y/N) interrupted me, "and by hell I mean the Academy". She smiled innocently. "Anyways we'll be back. Don't feed Naruto or else!". We left and when we got away but close enough to still see them we stopped and let out a sigh. She turned around and said, "Just like us huh?" "What do you mean?" "Just like our team" "Yeah. A lot" "Yeah sadly there's no 'me' in this team" "Well not everyone is born with a weird ass personality like yours" "What did you say!" "And temper" "Listen old man" "We're the same age!" "Doesn't look like it grandpa".
Time skip
We ended their training and left to our houses. I ended up walking and reading at while we walked. "You're going to trip and fall while I laugh at you" "Then I'd drag you down with me" "Yeah right like I'm that stupid". She rolled her eyes and we kept walking. I could see her sneaking glances at the page. She couldn't see what was on it and tried really hard looking. "Oh give me that!" "Give it back (Y/N)". She began to scan through the page. Well........let's just say it went different.

"You pervert!", she threw the book at me and it hit my face

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"You pervert!", she threw the book at me and it hit my face. "Ow!" "WTF happened to you since I left!" (A lot! Reader you wouldn't believe what happened!) (SHUT UP AUTHOR NO ONE WANTED TO KNOW YOU'RE OPINION!) (*Hides* Why is he so mean to me! ;-;) "Um....well you see...." "I can clearly see you read fucking porn!".
Your POV
WTF! WTF! WTF! WTF OK! Who knew me leaving would make him into this? How the hell did this happen! (Well you see....*Kakashi slaps my mouth shut*). What if he breaks in next time but I'm naked! (Oh idea! Thanks Reader!)

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