Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: It was too late
Your POV
We entered the cave to see Rin tied up. I got into a fighting stance and we attacked. Kakashi and I jumped and pierced part of our knife into the enemy. "Rin!", Obito yelled and we all ran to her. "Release", Kakashi released her from the genjutsu and I untied her. "Are you ok? Is everything alright?", I asked her. She nodded. I helped her get back up and we were about to escape. All unharmed and safe. "Earth style: Falling rock jutsu!", the man yelled and rocks were falling all around us. We started to run and I was getting worried for my team members. Kakashi fell but Obito ran back and threw him out of the way from where the huge boulder was going to kill Kakashi. My eyes widen and I felt tears down my face. "OBITO!" I ran to him desperately trying to move the boulder that crushed him. "It's no use (Y/N)" "Shut up! You'll be ok! You hear me?! You'll be ok!". I started to sob and continued my attempt in saving him. "Please stop", he said. I looked at him and held his hand and squeezed softly. "I know you'll be ok! Please don't go". Rin placed a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to hug her and cry together. "Kakashi, I'll give my sharingan. I'll be your eye". We all were shocked but touched at the same time. "Rin please, do it". After the eye transplant, I stayed with Obito a little longer. I held his hand and leaned down to his ear and whispered softly. "I love you". "(Y/N) we have to go!", Rin yelled at me. I grabbed Kakashi's hand and looked back at Obito one last time. My tears streaming down my face and my heart shattered. Why did it have to be him? Why did you take him from me author-chan! (WTF! OK who else is going to break the fourth wall now?!) It's author-chan's fault! (WELL EXCUSE ME FOR MAKING A FUCKING STORY WITH FUCKING EMOTION!) SHE KILLED MY LOVE!!!!!!! (Get over it! You don't even know who you'll end up with! XD)
Time skippy no jutsu!
Your POV
Minato-sensei saved us and we all were fully recovered. While Rin and Kakashi were with our sensei talking, I was standing alone further away looking up to the sky. The wind blowing on my hair pulling it back. I let out a sigh. 'At a time like this is when I had the courage to tell him. When he was about to die! When he died! I told him when he died!'. I fell to my knees and my hands grasped the grass with anger and sadness. I don't care if he'd reject me. At least he'd know there's always another girl who does or did love him.
Normal POV
From that war many loved ones died. With her kenkki genkki awaken, (Y/N) would start her path in her life were she'd will eventually become a feared kunoichi.

A/N: I'm having a writer's block in Pushing the limit. Help Author!!!!!!!!

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