Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Stupid kids
Kakashi's POV
I sat on my bed looking through pictures of my past. I smiled remembering (Y/N) as a small girl. How could such a little girl endure so much abuse? Bo doubt that she's strong not only physically but emotionally and mentally.

Sensei: Sacrificed himself to save the village

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Sensei: Sacrificed himself to save the village. I added, a true hero. I see next to Obito's picture I wrote: " A good for nothing, idiotic, loud mouthed cry baby". I scratched it out and instead I wrote down: "My best friend". Next to Rin's: "I swear I will protect her". It's late changed to: "I couldn't". I see to my father's and replaced the writing as well. I can't believe how stupid I was. I hope my team don't end up like my old self. I flip the page to see picture of a smiling (Y/N). In the back it said: "The love of my life". That still was true. I still love her.
Your POV
After I returned from a mission I went straight to my room. I saw a book sticking out from a drawer and got it out. As I flipped through the pages, I remembered this was an album. It wasn't anywhere near half way finished but it was somewhat done. I smiled flipping through the pages that had pictures. I saw a pictures of Obito and blushed because they had hearts all over.

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He had a beautiful smile and beautiful eyes

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He had a beautiful smile and beautiful eyes. I missed them so much. I wish he was still here with me and maybe we could be together. In the back it was written, "My first crush and future husband". I chuckled just by looking at my childish thoughts back then. Yet I wished they were true. I saw Rin's picture and it said, "My best friend". When I saw Kakashi's there was some pretty good description, "A strict, emotionless jerk. An idiot who always was about the rules". In the bottom it also said, "The one who saved me from hell". I guess I wrote that the same day or after he saved me from my father's abuse. I wonder why he did it though? I wonder why? Kakashi why did you do it? I thought he didn't like me. I swear he gave me lots of death glares that if they could kill I'd be dead like a million times! I was then drifting into a deep peaceful sleep.
In the dream
I walked to the Hokage building. I rubbed my eyes still sleepy and I didn't even sleep well for going to be early. I yawned and entered to see Kakashi. "Morning Kakashi". He smiled, "Morning". I looked to the Hokage who was facing away from us sitting in her chair and I waited for her to recognize me. "Lady Tsu-" "(Y/N) morning", It was Rin! Wait what?! The hell was going. "Rin?" "Yeah". The chair turned around and I saw him instead of Tsunade. "Morning (Y/N)" "Obito". (Ignore the baby)

He walked toward me and placed a kiss on my forehead

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He walked toward me and placed a kiss on my forehead. I was blushing really bad and bit my lip. "We've been married for a year now and you're still blushing when I kiss you?" "Married?" "Did you wake up on the wrong side of bed dear?". What is this? What a cruel joke! I'm being played! What's going on? He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. Was this how it would have been? When Kakashi and Rin left he pinned me to the wall and kissed my lips while sliding his hands to my chest. He smirked and  kissed me lips once more. Please someone, wake me up.  Through this blessed life, Obito was loving and kind to me. He treated me like the luckiest girl in the world. It's a perfect dream. Then where's the bad part? As I walked home and opened the door my eyes widen. Obito was kissing Rin and they were making out. I shut the door and ran and bumped into Kakashi. Who just then, out nowhere kissed me. "I know what happened" "How?" "He'll never love you like I do. I love you (Y/N). Please be mine". He pulled me to another kiss.
End of dream
I woke up at the sound of rain. The only thing I got from that dream was that Obito will never love me as much he loved Rin. Kakashi and me kissing. I wasn't sure what that meant. I mean I know he loves me but as a friend (you just friend zoned Kakashi Reader-chan!) (Kakashi: ;-;).

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