Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Flirty but still friends
Your POV
"I can't get him to do anything!". Sakura complained. She tried getting Naruto to go her bidding but of course he wouldn't. I love Sakura but there's time where I want to punch her and say how stupid she is. I mean, she manipulates Naruto because the poor thing is in love with her. She takes advantage of the fact that he's head over heels. "Well you shouldn't be controlling him in the first place" "Well if he was smarter I wouldn't be able to control him. All he is is stubborn!" "And you're stupid" "What?!" "Look I can teach you how to get any guy to do what you want" "Really? How?" "Well its called feminine charm" "Teach me!" "Ok. Ok. Let me just find my victim". I smirked as I saw Kakashi near by. "There he is!" (A/N: I'm no expert flirt so if this comes out weird please don't get mad. Just warning you ok)
Kakashi's POV
(Y/N) walked towards. She made her hips move up in the air and her hands resting on them. (Like how models walk). She smiled and her eyes had a sinister look. What is she up to? "Kakashi!". She smiled and went behind me wrapping her arms around my neck. "What do you want?" "I was just wondering if you could help me and Sakura-chan with something?" "Which is?" "I'm not telling you until you agree to helping us" "If I don't know what I'm doing why should I answer?" "Aw come on don't be that way". She breathed into my neck and I felt embarrassed! If I didn't love her she would be the one embarrassed. "Kakashi", she cooed. I pushed her off before any other embarrassing feeling comes to myself. "F-Fine". (This sucked didn't it? *Sigh* Idk, I feel like this didn't even look good) "And that Sakura is one of the feminine charms" "Wow you're really good (Y/N)-sensei!". I glared at her. "Sorry about that Kakashi"
Time skip
Your POV
"It didn't work", Sakura pouted and looked down. "Well here's another feminine charm" "Well what?" "You'll see. Let's use Kakashi as the victim. It seems those books have finally helped in something" "You read them!" "No but Kakashi has and I guess you can say, I'm about to make his fantasies a reality" (no lemon! Bad reader! No leamon for you dirty minded head!). "(Y/N)-sensei how exactly will this work?" "Well, men like Kakashi are perverts so if you want them to do something you use your charms for them to do so". She only nodded. "Now watch how I do it"
Kakashi's POV
I saw (Y/N) again. Now what is she going to do. (Now keep in mind, in this fanfic, you have boobs. I don't care if you don't or think you don't, here you got them!) She walked up to me and smiled. "Kakashi" "What?" "Can you please pretend to be my boyfriend?" "Why?" "Please?" "Why?" "Don't ask questions just say yes or no" "Tell me why first then I'll answer you?" She had a smile on her face. (That's what you're doing!)

She squeezed her breasts together and had an innocent look on her face

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She squeezed her breasts together and had an innocent look on her face. "Please Kakashi". I felt blood going down my nose. She kept her position and her breasts kept swinging side to side. They were big. (Yep made him a perv). Dam her! I couldn't hold the blood anymore and (basically he went flying up like in the gif).
Your POV
As Kakashi went flying up with his blood trailing under him , Sakura had her eyes widen and laughed. "Just wait until yours develop and you'll be able to do the same. Well depending on your size" "I have so much to learn from you!" "Of course you do". We left Kakashi and ended the day laughing.

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