Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: The journey of preparation
Your POV
I walked away from where all my precious memories were. Where both pain and happiness were once by my side. I walked the road that lead me some where else. (This is a made up place k!) I went to a village within a mountain top. There I lived alone and made a friend. Her name was Kayo. She wasn't a ninja but she would always wait for my after I get back from a mission. She eventually did become a ninja and I'd helped her train. "You're so good!" "I didn't get this good overnight. You'll get there eventually. Just keep practicing and don't doubt yourself" "Ok. Hey (Y/N)? You've never told me about the other place you lived in. Will you please tell me?". I looked at her and she smiled and kept looking at me with puppy eyes. She was two years younger than me and looked up to me. Kayo told me she looked up to me an older sister. Her family were very kind people. She lived with her mother and father. They both treated me well and always told me to look after their daughter. I earned their trust real quick. They didn't mind that I would take her with me. She was a very energetic girl. Once I told her all of my story from the hidden leaf, she smiled and hugged me. "You lived a horrible life before you came here. Yet you smiled and had friends who you helped and had to let go of" "Yeah I did. Even the one I fell in love with I had to let go. I didn't even get to tell him until he died" "Everything's fine now. You have me", I kneeled to her size and held her hand. "You'll make a fine shinobi" "I'm already one!" "Then you'll make a fine well known ninja" "Yeah I'm going to train and be the best!", she made a fist and threw it up to the sky and smiled. Then more sad events occurred as well. Her parents were killed in a mission and when she found out she went straight to me. I held her and comfort her. "It will be ok. Don't worry" "They killed my parents!", she sobbed and cried herself to sleep. From then on she stayed with me and we both studied to become medical-nin. My studies and training of becoming a medical-nin. Reminded me of when Rin and I would heal Kakashi and Obito. Kayo was so focused in her studies she eventually catched up to me. We both studied hard and we were put in a team together. Then the same events reoccur in a flash. She was killed in front of me . The captor held her and other innocent people and cut their heads off. Her blood was stained on me.

As I ran to rescue her I was late again

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As I ran to rescue her I was late again. "KAYO!", my eyes held tears and anger. Another friend! Another person died because of my weakness! She looked up to me, she trusted me, and she died in front of me. It was all my fault! This was the last time!
Time skip!
It's been a few years since I lost Kayo. I was now learning different things not necessary with medical ninjutsu. I've killed lot's of people during missions where I'm required that I earned the nickname, The bloody kunoichi, for my blood red eyes, blood controlling abilities and the blood I've seen shed. I got up and looked out to see the land below me. I was able to summon wolves now. They'd aid me in combat and were my companions. I looked at the the village hidden in the mountains on last time. I was going to leave it behind and return to the hidden leaf like I told Kakashi. As of today I'm ready. I wonder how many changes I'll see back home. Before I left I went to the grave of Kayo's and her family's. I left them each a flower and prayed since it would probably be my last time here and with them resting near by. I took one last glance and walked away like I did years ago in Konoha.

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