Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: She'll be mine
Your POV
Tears ran down my face. Why? How could he? I had bruises all over me. I didn't want this to happen, but I wasn't strong enough to defend myself. He had me down on the bed. He was stronger than me so I couldn't escape. I loved him. He was my friend. Why did he do this to me?
"You think you want to die, but in reality you want to be saved". Kakashi told me that same night he saved me. "I want to be by his side, then I'll be saved". I whispered before I fell asleep. That was what I wanted when I was younger.
End of flashback
Now I'm by his side. In his arms. He kissed me like I imagined as a child. Did I like it? Did I enjoy it? No. I'm by his side and I'm not saved. I'm by his side and I'm not happy. I'm by his side and I'm not sure if I'll ever see who I truly love again. I was broken down. How could he? I wanted to die right there. I didn't want to see Kakashi again feeling this guilt inside of me.

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