Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Behold! (Y/N) (L/N) has returned
Normal POV
The bloody kunoichi (any thought of bloody hell? Just me?), made her way back to the hidden leaf. When she arrived many were astounded by her beauty. (That's you. )

Those who knew her greeted her and loved the new her

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Those who knew her greeted her and loved the new her. She was kind and warm as she once was when her two fallen friends were still around. She walked around to see old friends there to greet her. "(Y/N)!", the (h/c) woman turned around to see one of her other best friends. "Kurenai", she said softly. "You're back and different", she smiled and hugged her. "Yeah I am. So how have you been?" "Good and you?" "I'm fine. Where's everyone else?" "Well let me show you to everyone!", Kurenai smiled and dragged (Y/N) with her to be welcomed back by everyone. "Kurenai! Wait up! I'm still tired you know!" "The faster we get this over with the faster you can go rest!". (Y/N) let out a sigh and allowed her friend to drag her around.
Kakashi's POV
All around people have been talking about someone. I'm not sure who but I was going to find out who's the mysterious 'celebrity' everyone was so excited to see. But after my team's training. Then again I'm late so why not just go now. I saw everyone of the jounnins I knew surrounding the person. I still couldn't see anyone. "What's going on?" I asked myself. "Guess who's here", Kurenai said. "A simple Hello wasn't said" "Do you want to know what's going on or not?" "I do" "Someone's back. I think you know who" "I wouldn't be asking if I knew that". She smirked. "Guys! Move!". As people moved I saw the last person I expected. (no he didn't see Bishamon. It's you but from his view ok? Sry sometimes I feel like I need to explain myself)

 It's you but from his view ok? Sry sometimes I feel like I need to explain myself)

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"(Y/N)". My eye widen and saw her smiling. "I told you I'd be back", she said, "Hello Kakashi". I expected her to be cold and rude like she was before but she changed. She smiled like she once did. She went through so many changes, and I'm not just talking about her body (*Smacks Kakashi* What? I just had to.) She was tall but not as tall as me. (Lol author going in depth now). I couldn't help but see her amazing features. Her eyes, hair, lips and maybe her chest. (Maybe? Maybe?! MAYBE!) Author shut up! (;-; I was trying to add humor).
Time skip cuz Kakashi is being an asshole.
Your POV
Kakashi left very quick because he had a team to train. When I returned to the Hokage building Lord third told me I'd be helping with Team 7 starting tomorrow. I was also to help out at the hospital if necessary for any medical attention that required my kenkki genkki. I was walking home and felt a hand on my shoulder. "We should catch up" "Well I would love to but right now I'm tired Kakashi" "Come on" "I don't know how you'll get me to move" "Oh I know exactly how" "Go ahead and try. Be my guest". He smirked and carried me!

"KAKASHI! PUT ME DOWN!" "I'm only doing what you said

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"KAKASHI! PUT ME DOWN!" "I'm only doing what you said. Now shut up and let me take you out somewhere" "If you think I won't kill you, you're wrong! Now put me down before I do!". He sighed and kept me in his arms and wasn't letting go any time sooner. I just decided to fight it since he was physically stronger than me. When he puts me down I'm going to kill that bastard! "We're here". He put me down slowly and I elbowed his stomach. "That's for not putting me down" "A thank you would have been.......appreciated", he said holding his stomach and groaned. I rolled my eyes, "Thank you for capturing me Kakashi. There" "I wouldn't call it capturing" "What would you call it?" "Forcefully taking you" "It's the same thing!" "You're being over dramatic" "Shut up". We walked in to Ichiraku's ramen. (Guess who else was there!) (Stop giving them hints author! *Hits author-chan*) (Ow! Kakashi is so mean to me! ;-;. #StopAndreaabuse!) (*Sigh* You're an idiot). We ordered our ramen and he kept looking at me.

"What?" "What?" "Why are you looking at me?" "I haven't seen you in years what do you expect" "I expected a welcome back cake and gifts" "You have standards to high for me to do" "This coming from you"

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"What?" "What?" "Why are you looking at me?" "I haven't seen you in years what do you expect" "I expected a welcome back cake and gifts" "You have standards to high for me to do" "This coming from you". We were handed our food and a blonde haired boy came in. "Hey Kakashi-sensei I- woah who's that?", he pointed at me, "Is she your girlfriend?". I laughed softly and scratched the back of my neck. "No Naruto she's an old friend" "Sure she's an 'old friend'.", he leaned to me and whispered, "Are you sure you'd date someone like him?" "NARUTO!", Kakashi yelled. "So your name is Naruto?" "Yep! I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to be Hokage believe it!". As soon as he said his full name I froze. I looked at him and he had blonde hair and blue eyes. Like Minato-sensei. Is this....his son? Yet, he reminded me so much of Obito. I ruffled his hair softly and gave him a closed eye smile. "I'm sure you will. I'm (Y/N) by the way". "What are you doing with a guy like him? Isn't Kakashi-sensei like too old. Like maybe 90 years old?". I busted out laughing and covered my mouth. "It's the hair isn't it? His hair is making you think that?" "Yep" "Well let me break it to you. He's just as old as I am". Kakashi sighed and facepalmed since Naruto thought his age was 90. Poor Kakashi, then again it was Karma doing its job perfectly. "We aren't dating" "Are you sure Kakashi-sensei?". I wiped my mouth, "Yes he's sure. I've been gone for a while and just came back today. Now the reason I'm here ws because your sensei abducted me" "Abducted you!" "Yep" "I'm no expert but I'm guessing this was a forced date". Kakashi shot him a glare, "Naruto!" "Uh.....see you later (Y/N)!", Naruto ran out seeing Kakashi ready to do something he didn't want to be repeated.

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