Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: She'll be mine
Your POV
It's only been one year since Naruto left. I miss the little knucklehead so much. (*hands you tissues* there there he's coming back). With that being said, I was sent to more missions since then. Today I was sent alone for a small mission. Well I wouldn't say small. I don't know why me and why I had to go alone but order are orders. My objective was to see any advancement the Akatsuki plans on doing. Anything I can get my hands into. I've spotted no members and this is taking away time and sleep! This is great. I get sent out to the woods to die. This just great. Note the sarcasm. I was feeling very hot and was sweating bad. I bathed in a near by waterfall.
This was too easy. I just finished my plan and here is the first part already playing its self. This is perfect. I'm going to kill her in front of him. I walked closer to her and saw her bathing. Is that really her? Is that (Y/N)? I could only stare at her bare body. She's beautiful. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair was beautiful. How haven't I noticed this before? Was I blushing? I felt a warmth feeling in my cheeks. She was different. Really different. (Thought it'd be appropriate since he is spying / looking at you).

She walked around the lake and when she found a spot she positioned herself to where she can sit without the water bothering her face

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She walked around the lake and when she found a spot she positioned herself to where she can sit without the water bothering her face. All this time, I ignored the beauty she had. Kakashi you lucky bastard. (That's what I was thinking! Kakashi is a lucky bastard. He got such beautiful and awesome girl!) AUTHOR SHUT THE FUCK UP! WHY THE HELL DO YOU TRY TO GET INVOLVED THE STORY (;-; I'm just trying to add some humor and etc. *Cries in emo corner*). Kakashi, you're one lucky bastard, but you won't be for long. All I have to do is steal her heart once more. I was lost in thought that I didn't notice that she was gone. "You aren't a skilled ninja now. Hiding in plain sight? Really?",she said holding a kunai knife to my neck. Her voice was different, it sounded like an angel from heaven sent here to protect and create joy. "What the hell are you doing?", her voice was cold just like she talked to Kakashi when we were younger. "Answer me!". I turned around and punched her but she caught it. She was stronger?! But how? "Who are you?". Well time for the child act. "Tobi is going to capture you! Tobi is a good boy!" "I'm fighting a man child? This is embarrassing" "Tobi isn't weak! Tobi a good fighter. Tobi a good boy!". She gave me a blank stare and sighed. "This has to be too easy". Her eyes were red. Just like the first time she awoken them. She made her hands control me like a puppet but it didn't work. "H-How?" "Tobi is going to win! Tobi is immune to (Y/N)-chan's power!" "How do you know my name!", her face gave the right emotion I expected. Fear, anger and frustration. "Start explaining yourself!" She swung her weapons with furry. "Tobi will explain when Tobi capture's (Y/N)-chan!". She kept trying to attack but failed. All this time, I could have had you (Y/N). Instead I ignored it all for Rin. Hm...........oh well. I guess I'll have to take her away from him. She was going to be mine now. "Start talking!". She was already exhausting herself. "Are you getting tired dear?"
Your POV
He changed his voice! What the hell is happening? I'm scared yet angry at the same time. I feel very tired since everytime I punch, I waste chakra because I miss and can't punch his life out! I can't fall here not now! I can't die! My feet give in. I can't even stand up and feel weak, very weak. Last thing I saw was the masked man reaching for me.

A/N: What will happen next vote now on your device! Jk Jk Jk. Hope you guys liked it

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