Kakashi Christmas Special

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Are you little perverts ready to read the gift I'm about to give you? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  of course you are you sluts. Jk love you guys. Before the lemon starts here's a few smexy Kakashi pics.

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Before you start reading, I'd like to thank Panic! At The Disco and the song Lying is the most fun a girl can have cuz it literally helped me write this lemon and Obito's lemon

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Before you start reading, I'd like to thank Panic! At The Disco and the song Lying is the most fun a girl can have cuz it literally helped me write this lemon and Obito's lemon. XD
Now for the lemon:
Normal POV
On a beautiful snowy Christmas eve night, you had around 30-50 blankets around you due to you shivering. You were near the fireplace for crying out loud! That still didn't keep your poor body warm. You had made hot chocolate and still were a shivering mess. That's when a certain silver haired sexy pervert ninja aka your husband, decided that you had suffered enough from this cold weather. He carried you to your room and placed you on the bed. "Kashi? What are you doing?", you asked raising a brow but having a little hint on what will happen. He kissed your lips passionately and had his hands on your sides. He whispered into your ear seductively, "Giving you an early Christmas gift. Hint: It involves pillows, a blanket, and our bed". (I know what you all are gonna say. ARE WE BUILDING A FORT! No but you are building a Kaka-baby XD). You blushed at his words and were speechless. His lips made their way from your jaw to your neck leaving a few hickeys and bite marks. You had tangled your fingers in his hair and your breathing had become unsteady. He had you were he wanted. Took your shirt off and left kisses from your neck to your clothed breasts. He kissed between your breasts before his hands had unhooked your bra and tossed it away. Your chest exposed to the cold air had made your body shiver. He quickly made you loose the thought of being cold by sucking on your left nipple. His hand fondling with the other breast. He then switched breasts. Your right nipple receiving the same treatment as the left. Your hands fixed on taking his shirt off and his hands moved down to your pants. You both successfully removed each other's clothing. Both of you were in just underwear, and lucky for Kakashi you were wearing a red lace underwear for the festivity. He smirked as he saw this on you, "You wore that for me, princess?". You blushed at his words and let out a small yelp as his teeth slid your underwear down and tossed it to the ground. His tongue licked your v lines and then his head went to your flower, where his tongue was attacking and claiming his territory. (For those kinky people. I'm not a very talented in writing kinky smut. If I haven't mentioned this I'll say it now: To me this kind of act *sex* is a special moment between two lovers. Kinkiness isn't sth I do cuz to me it sounds more like plain lust. Sorry for any inconvenience. Continue). His fingers entering one at a time. After one finger wasn't getting any reaction from you he stuck another in. Pumping them back and forth. You closed your eyes as soon as you felt a fourth finger. Poor you, closing your eyes was something you shouldn't have done. His length had been exposed and soon entered your sacred area. His thrusts were slow but began to pick up the pace the more you begged for more pleasure. Your nails were clawing his back and his lips were attached to your neck. He kept thrusting in harder and faster until you both had reached this beautiful thing we call a climax and yelled each other's name. (You: KAKASHI! Silver haired pervert with a mask: (YYYYYY/NNNNN)! Are you guys laughing yet? 😂😂😂). And that's how you celebrated Christmas!

I know it's Christmas Eve but for the sake of timezones I decided to publish it now

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