Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: A shattered soul
Kakashi's POV
All of this was my fault. First Obito and now Rin. They were both dead because of me and because of that, (Y/N) has become more cold and distant from everyone. Especially me. She wouldn't utter a word to me unless it was a mission. She'd pass by me with her (h/l) (h/c) flowing behind her when she ignored my presence. I was the reason behind her shattered soul. Her cold stares, her rude personality, her faded smiles, and her tears. She changed a lot and her old self died with Rin and Obito. She lived by herself and when her father passed away. She showed no emotion like everyone expected. She became a jounnin awhile after. I guess her new personality added strength to herself. She did get along with everyone else. With me it was different but she still was cold to everyone. I would often see her training herself in her family's special power. When we both went on to Anbu we were both excellent in what we did. She left the Anbu quickly and left the village to another place. After that I never saw her again. She left without a word to me. She didn't say goodbye or anything. Everyone saw her, hugged her, and talked to her one last time. Everyone but me did. I walked home that day she left and saw a letter pinned to the door. ( I suck at stuff like this plz have sympathy)
Dear Kakashi,
I'm sorry I didn't tell you in person, but after all that's happened I couldn't swallow my pride and tell you. I don't blame you for the deaths of Rin and Obito. I blame myself. If only I were stronger they'd be alive. If it only it were me instead of them that suffered their fate, everything would be fine. I've always thought to myself: *When I get bigger, big enough to go somewhere by myself. I wanna go to a land that's far away. I want to go to a faraway island. I want to go to an island that has no pain or sadness. They are no adults, children, classmates, teachers or my dad on that island. On that island I can climb a tree when I want to climb, swim in the sea when I want to swim, and sleep when I want to sleep. On that island, I think about the town I left behind. Kids go to school as if nothing has changed. Adults go to their jobs as if nothing has changed. Dad eats, as if nothing has changed. When I think about the town without me, I feel a sense of relief. I want to go far, far away.* I'm sorry for everything. Please forgive me, please don't look for me. I'll come back when I'm ready to face the world as a woman. When I'm ready to face you as a woman. Hope everything is good for you from here on out.
-Sincerely (Y/N) (L/N)
I held the last memory of her I have left. The last thing that can keep myself from losing it.

She was truly gone from my life

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She was truly gone from my life.

** The poem from Erased that Kayo Hinazuki wrote. I thought it'd be appropriate to put it here.
A/N: Still having a writers block in Pushing the Limit ;-;

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