Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: This doesn't hurt but, I've had enough.
Obito's POV
She wasn't awake yet. She was unconscious and looked so angelic. Why didn't I see it before? It was her all along. She was always kind to me. Do I love her? Do I? She started shifting and opened her eyes slowly. Her eyes widen, "Where am I?" "Far from the leaf village dear" "How the hell are you!". I smirked under my mask, "You'll be surprised when I show you". I slowly lifted my mask up and dropped it on the floor. ((Imagine a dramatic versión of the mask falling! 😱😱😱 it's so omg!))
Your POV
It can't be! He died along time ago! IT ISN'T HIM! "Obito", I whispered. I felt a sharp pain of sadness, anger, and hurt. "It didn't take you long for you to remember me". He got closer to me, close enough for me to attack. "You bastard!", I kicked his stomach. Good thing I wasn't tied up. Or else I wouldn't been able to hit him. "You bastard! HOW COULD YOU! All this time, I thought you were dead. Do you know how much I suffered!". I yelled at him and clenched my fists. "Do you think I didn't go through my own suffering?" "What did you have to suffer!" "Watching Rin die". I looked down. I suffered through that as well. Yet what he has done is unforgivable. "Kakashi did this suffering to me and now he'll feel what I did" "I won't let you hurt him" "I don't have to hurt him to make him suffer", his breath hit my neck sending me shivers, "All I have to do is take you from him". I felt scared and worried. What is he planning to do? "From what I learned, you were in love with me before". How? How did he know? He snaked his arms around my waist. I felt a small blush on my cheeks and my body stiffened. His head was buried into my neck. "Don't be afraid of me. I won't hurt you". How can I not be afraid of him if he's using a voice that scares me? Someone please come and rescue me. I didn't know what I could do. He seemed distracted by me. How does this happen? I'm not with both of them for awhile and both Kakashi and Obito turned out so perverted. Does this happen every time I leave someone?! My heart was beating faster and faster. No, I don't, I won't, I can't, I won't love him again! I can't after what he did! Yet my heart feels what it always wanted to feel. To be with Obito has been something I wanted. Key word, wanted. I love Kakashi and I wouldn't betray him like this. I was trapped, I couldn't escape. Obito held my wrists tightly. "If you dare escape and tell anybody I'll kill not you but Kakashi". The only way to save him was to stay. I only hoped everything will turn out fine.

A/N: I kinda wanted to change the title but at the same time I like the one I have already. So here's your options to vote on the new title for the story.
1.) Love is a battlefield

2.) I didn't want to start a war

3.) I want you only you

4.) Game of love

5.) Consequences of loving two

6.) The love I imagined

7.) Don't take the girl from me

8.) Loving you before I lose you

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