HELLO MY DEARS! I'm back! Well, I do have one more paper tomorrow, but it's biology, and this chapter has been rotting in my laptop for way too long. It was supposed to be longer, but oh well, I like the ending:) This chapter is one of my favourites, because it's one of the sweetest I ever wrote. Well, okay, I did write sweeter, but by my standards, this is WHOOOO~
“So...What are you doing now?” Wes asked.
I sighed, tapping my fingers on the sill of my window, randomly flicking at the blinds, holding the phone up with my shoulder.
“Being bored. I hate my life,” I announced to him.
I meant it, and I perfectly justified reasons for feeling that way. You see, after we got out of that wretched prison of a storeroom, Thomas went home and recovered in three days while I, the kind soul who made sure he survived that night, caught his stupid flu bug.
What kind of fairness is there?
I couldn't believe it. I did the right thing, by choosing to help him rather than watch him die a slow and painful death. I actually resisted the temptation to do the work of karma by letting him rot in that room, and what do I get in return? Flu.
Oh wait, that isn't the worst part. It would be fine if I had Thomas' immune system. I would be able to get well in three days, but noooo, I had the worst body ever, because it wouldn't recover for a week.
Fine, I was glad that I didn't have to go to school, but come on! Two weeks at home was just plain torture! I was missing out on every single thing; homework, lessons, and my game. Gosh, my game was just left hanging there! I was going to look like a total doofus when I go back. Thomas was probably terrorizing girls there because he was too bored without yours truly, and it would be all my fault.
But on second thoughts, maybe these two boring, horrible weeks was a blessing in disguise. Why? Because I had absolutely no idea how to face Thomas.
After that night at the storeroom, I learnt a lot. I wished I never knew that side of Thomas. It made him more human, and harder to hate. How could I give the game my all, if I knew the other player was going through so much crap? I don't know if Thomas was lying when he told me those things, but my instincts said it was the truth, and I was going to believe it.
But my instincts didn't tell me what to do, so I'm still stuck.
During these two weeks, I came to realize that I didn't want the game anymore. It wasn't fair to treat Thomas like that, because I knew how he became a jerk. Sure, he was to blame for choosing that path, but I remembered that if his Father never changed, he wouldn't have. The circumstances molded him into who he was today. It wasn't fair to blame him completely for something he had no say in. I didn't want to play him.
My second realization that actually left me quite disgusted: I was a player too.
“Juliet! Juliet!” The phone barked, making me jump.
“What? Oh-sorry!” I yelped, trying to catch the phone as it tumbled onto the floor.
“So, you decided to drift off into your own world, and drop me onto the floor.” Wes said acidly.
“I'm sorry!” I apologized. “I was thinking about Thomas.”
Wes snorted.
“As usual. If I didn't know better, Juliet, judging at the amount of thoughts you have for him, I would think that you're falling for him.”
“I know you're not! But it seems so,” I could almost hear him shrug.
I sighed. I haven't told Wes about Thomas' stuff. It felt almost horrible to share such a frightening thing with someone else, even with my best friend.

Valentine's Day
RomantikValentine's Day. The day where all lovers come together to celebrate their love. But to Juliet, its just another day of boredom and drama for her. Despite being named after the famed love of Romeo in the most tragic love stories ever told, she has l...