Chapter 9

120 34 48

13th of Oct

Krystal P.O.V

"Krystal you did not wash the laundry, now I do not have any more shirts except for 2 more "

"I would not mind you walking around shirtless" I smirked

"I might catch a cold so wash the laundry up" Harry threw the clothes on my face, they smelled horrible.

"Wow! Woh! Excuse me there MR. I will not wash your clothes and boxers No it's a No, N.O" I said

"You won't, what kind of abduction is this? Who does not wash the prisoner's clothes?" he said smirking knowing he won. "I won't hesitate to walk around in my birthday suit" he added. It's official he fired at my forehead, I narrowed my eyes at him; nevertheless picking the clothes up and getting ready to wash a whole lot of clothing items.

I never actually washed clothes using my hands or the washer on that matter, and on this lovely place I rented they had the weirdest washing machine it took me 10 minutes to know how to turn it on because the extension was not in *clear throat* I did not notice how am I supposed to know the wire was not in its most obvious place!!

Anyway, how to start the water now? I found myself clueless. I successfully figured that out, but then I had to figure out how to actually make it wash. I thought I would figure that out later and just let the water load first. after adding an amount of the washing prouder, I had to get something to eat. Strolling around casually for apparently so long that I now see water flowing around on the floor from the bathroom.

I threw whatever I had in my hand and ran to the bathroom, only to stumble and fall. Its not a good idea to slid on water I tell you.

I got up quickly as I saw the whole bathroom floor packed with water. First I opened the blaah to reduce the amount of water. I tried to close the water.

"AHH!!!" I screamed as soup and water exploded everywhere. "NO NO NO!!! STOP!!" I tried.

"Krystal??" I heard Harry from outside.

"HARRY HELP!!" I shouted, he came in right away. Only to slip in the water too.

I laughed and grabbed his hand, "What the hell is funny??" "What have you done?" He carried on asking and closed the tube, which I apparently never saw. BrilLiam, this guy is, I tell you #Fact.

"Sorry" I said I must look so stupid now, soaked from head to toe; and very... well lot of words could be said about this kind of situation.

"I tell you to wash the laundry; you screw the whole thing up!!"

"I did not mean it sorry Harry" I said my voice small.

"Come here," he said, I did; he instructed how the machine works. I nodded understanding.

"You look disastrous" he said taking his shirt off and tossing it a side. I had to stare for a bit; before I pulled myself in order to ignore any unpure thoughts.

"I will go change" I said

"We have to mop the floor first, you are not going to escape the 'mopping' part" Harry said quoting with his fingers.

I huffed and walked to where the mop was starting to clean.

When I was finally done I stepped out of the bathroom telling Harry I was done.

As we sat around later for food again, "Did you finish all the laundry?" he asked

"No obviously it's a lot and I have my clothes too and we only have three small rope to hang on"

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