The woman with the highest dowry in the world

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Abu Talhah proposed marriage to Umm Sulaym bint Milhan, and he offered her a valuable dowry, but to his astonishment she refused all that with pride, saying: "I cannot marry a mushrik (polytheist). Do you not know, O' Abu Talhah, that your gods were carved by the slave of such and such a family, and if you were to set them on fire they would burn!"

Abu Talhah was deeply distresssed, and he went away hardly believing what he had seen and heard. But his sincere love brought him back the next day, offering a greater and more valuable dowry in the hope that this would soften her heart and make her accept. But with the utmost grace and good manners, she told him: "A man like you is not to be rejected, O' Abu Talhah, but you are a kafir (disbeliever) and I am a Muslim woman. It is not right for me to marry you." He said: "I will give you the yellow and the white (gold and silver)." She said, "I want neither yellow nor white, I want you to become Muslim." He said: "Who can I talk to about that?" She said: "Talk to the Messenger of Allah (saw)." So he set off to look for the Prophet (saw) , who was sitting with a number of his Companions. When he saw the Prophet (saw) he said: "Abu Talhah has come to you with the light of Islam in his eyes." He came and told the Prophet (saw) what Umm Sulaym had said, and he married her to him on that basis. 

This woman is a fine example for anyone who is seeking glory and virtue. Look at how her way of life manifested signs of nobility and faith, and how great her reward will be from Allah. Look at the good memory she left behind, so that people remember and praise her. She has earned a great and blessed reward, because she was sincere towards her Lord, towards herself and towards other people.

So she received glad tidings of Paradise, to abide therein forever with the joy of being among the winners.

Excerpt of "You can be the happiest woman in the word" by Al-Qarni

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