A Japanese Taxi Driver

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A Pakistani man, a tourist in Tokyo, who doesn't even know the Japanese language asked for a taxi as he wanted to travel to the institute near one hospital. A few minutes later, one taxi stopped by him. If you may not know, the drivers of Japan are so good in terms of showing respect to people. The taxi driver respectfully opened the door and gave him a warm welcome by bending down a little. The Pakistani man felt good and got in the cab.

 While traveling, the taxi driver stopped the meter for about 2.5 km and it was noticed by that passenger. When he reached to his destination place, again the driver opened his door and he got out of the car. He asked one man walking down on the street

"Could you please ask this taxi driver in Japanese that why he stopped the meter for about 2.5km?" He asked him and the driver replied that while driving he got lost for a moment and crossed the mark where he need to make a turn but there was no u-turn, so he couldn't go back therefore he turned off the meter for about 2.5km because he came ahead of the destination but due to his mistake he can't charge extra money from the Pakistani guy .

He wasn't wearing a cap or turbine, he never recited kalimah, he never went for a tabligh, he didn't have beard, he wasn't a Muslim but he had one thing and that was Emaandari (sincerity/honesty)

At present, we have beard on our faces, we pray 5 times, we go for tabligh, we have everything alhamdulilah but what we're lacking is Emaandari(sincerity/honesty)

There was one saying of an old wise scholar man, he said "I have seen Islam in Europe but no Muslims whereas I have seen Muslims in Arab countries but no Islam"

My brothers and sisters we are all Muslims but it's sad to say that we don't have Islam

Islam is not about the beard you grow on your face or the dress you wear; Islam is about being honest , Islam is about having Emaandari in yourself, Islam is about being just, Islam is about fulfilling the promises, Islam is about being punctual in whatever you do, Islam is about having good ikhlaq (good character) Islam is about being kind this is what Islam means my brothers and sisters.

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